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chipp y

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Everything posted by chipp y

  1. had my last venture out this season tonite.was out with my whippet cross rok n r kid had my nephews beddi x whippet x grey skye with him. she caught her first lamped rabbit so we just wanted to show it chippy
  2. cheers royston2 like i said earlier its not about the numbers its about how well the dog had done on his second best performance ever. chippy i agree entirely, if im out with the lurcher and lamp 5 rabbits is a good night ! im out for an enjoyable night, watch a good dog work and fill my freezer other than pest controllers who get paid to clear areas of problem rabbits, i dont understand why people want to catch 20+ rabbits a night how big is their freezer, are they feeding the street! or is it just to mention in the pub "my dog caught another twenty last night" chippy your d
  3. cheers royston2 like i said earlier its not about the numbers its about how well the dog had done on his second best performance ever. chippy
  4. thi s is rok my 2 yr old nearly all whippet dog chippy
  5. cheers samjust like to keep trac on the numbers as the dog hss never done as good apart from up at woodgas last year
  6. i think so mate do you know him
  7. a guy callrd mick from mexboro in south yorkshire bred the dog mate chippy
  8. hes mainly whippet with a very small bit of collie in for asking
  9. had an hour out in the fields near our caravan at skipsea. managed 6 slips and caught 5. i know theres only 4 in the pic as a guy outside the takeaway cadged 1 off me. :drink_nl: for looking chippy then what we did the nite after when it pissed down this is the best nites lamping ive had since last year when we were up on woodgas permission the dog got 12 at ten months old.his total is now 58 at just over 2yrs old..we dont see much game near me
  10. hes 20 1/2 inch tts n roughly 28-30lbs cheers for asking chippy
  11. good bag once again.dogs doing there job well.both look in fine fettle mate.had a walk out the other nite with towzer managed 1 each,not bad eh. this is roks 1st day timer chippy
  12. bought him off a guy in mexboro south yorkshire.done everything ive asked of him. very biddable aswell,1/8 collie though
  13. just managed to get some pics on. the first one was on woodgas permission last winter chippy
  14. spot the dog i think theres something down here got him
  15. got some pics wmike just cant get them onto the fecking internet. usless with owt technical chipp y
  16. what a stunner mate.she looks in fine fettle even with them pups on her."credit to u " my little fella is 20 1/2 inch tts.just dont see enuff game out my way to test his stamina.ran the odd big ears with him,took 1 when he was 8 months old,brave though,he stuck his head in when the big ears thought it was safe in cover.tried him on the track too.took to it rather quickly just not fast enuff.too heavy boned compared to them racin whippets chipp y
  17. good bag tomo.love the last pic mate,what a crackin looking dog bud.credit to you .
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