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Everything posted by jmw

  1. as long as you get one for the pot its all good!
  2. they look like nice big purse nets you have there- does a bigger net help to make sure the whole body of the rabbit is caught and the back end doesnt hang out? thanks
  3. it appears to have been shot through the middle. would it ideally be shot in the chest or doesn't it matter to much when using a rifle such as a .243? many thanks
  4. was told by a friend of mine that she had seen a fox milling about the garden when the chickens were out. next evening set up the u-caller speaker near an ambush point,set up on roof and switched it on a rabbit distress call with a remote control. after on/off periods of calling of about 40 mins i heard the neighbours cockerel warning of a predator in the area,this is always useful as an advance warning of fox's arrival. the vixen appeared, walked up to the speaker and then went and sat in a bush as she realised something wasnt quite right.crept across the bush and dropped her.another potentia
  5. found out a fox had been seen 6 foot from a friend of mines cockrel,she shouted at it and it ran away.next night at the same time i was up on her roof with a moderated 12bore and aaa's. we left the chickens out late to attract the fox and serve as a warning of his arrival.after a hours wait he turned up to try and collect his chicken dinner but was dropped at 30yds.job done!
  6. I've heard that when starting a dog lamping you should take it up to a sitter and wait till it runs before slipping the dog.my dogs had a couple of rabbits like this but was wondering if it would be a good idea to slip her before it runs since she knows its there in the hope of her taking it out the seat.thanks
  7. hi i was looking to get a scope for my bsa ultra multi that has illuminated mil-dots, a big front lens for low light shooting (maybe 50-56) an not too long as the gun is very stort. would a tasco 3-9x56 be a good idea for £40?does anyone have one?can ayone recomend a suitable scope?thanks james
  8. well done for taking your boy along....the future of the sport!
  9. hows that grey bitch bred she's stunning?
  10. my lurcher (10 months) has split her dew claw three days ago . it looks like it is healing and isnt bleeding any more.she is comfortable with it.should i leave it to heal if it will or get it removed by the vet??thanks in advance.
  11. i have one i love it compact quiet the loudest thing about it is when the pellet hits the rabbit .had no problems with it so far.
  12. about that but does come in 18 on fac
  13. i think they sence the storm ahead so come out to get thier fill before the storm
  14. Shame Heres another one I scanned of the two lurchers I had in '89. I should have bred from them. You dont know what you have until its gone. hows that white dog bred mate?
  15. i have a new adult jill and i want it to live with my other ferrets (two adult jills and thier kits who are two hob kits and a jill kit 8 weeks old) . my jills met my new jill last season and got on fine but now the two jills have had kits im worried how they might react if i put the new jill in with them.i have had the new jill in a cage for two days next to the run so they can see each other.any suggestions?has anyone been in the same situation in the past?thanks
  16. jmw


    I was thinking about getting a bsa ultra, but like you say i need to try them out for size. Are the hand pumps any good? i have a bsa ultra multi well pleased with it compact and accurate!
  17. .22 rimfire will be alot quieter than a .17 hmr..22 rimfire can chest shoot rabbits and they are still good to eat
  18. i have a semi auto .22 rimfire and it says nothing on my ticket about possesing a semi auto semi auto!
  19. I've always found asking for ferreting permission to start with is a good way in...after a few weeks or months as you get to know your host you can enquire about things like shooting etc....like the guys said dont give up all you need is one yes...good luck! i agree!!
  20. 2 adults 3 6week old kits.kits are probably the worst for shitting by house
  21. any game fairs near london this weekend coming??
  22. my ferrets live outside in a run and they shit at both ends of the run but one end is hard to get to to clean out so i would prefer if they only shit at one end. i tried putting their sleeping box down that end but they still shit next to their box.is there anything i can put down to discourage them from doing this?THANKS
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