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Everything posted by TonyB

  1. We have squirrel when we can, I much prefer it to rabbit, we made some squirrel and pigion curry last year and it was very popular at a meet I organise. It can be hard work getting the skin off but other than that it's straight forward. Definitely one that should go in the pot
  2. TonyB


    I have a 100s and it's fantastic, i purchased it second hand and have not regretted it one little bit. It's a tad heavy when i've got it up for a while but it's solid and you know it will last and last. Accuracy is great 10 shots in 10p @35yards no problem, it's fairly quiet, cock's very nicely etc etc. I've used mine for bunnies, rats, birds and the like and love it. The only reason i'd ever think of changing mine is for a lighter rifle, but i don't think that the pro of that would outweigh the cons, i've used 410's etc etc and i'll stick to my HW100 thanks :-)
  3. I have the hw100 and i'd take it over the s410 that i use sometimes, but it is personal choice, you need to shoot both and decide for yourself. The Hw100 is heavy but it's comfortable and well balanced. You'll probably be happy with either one, they're both good. although I do refute that the s410 is better
  4. Thanks for the welcome guys
  5. Hi all, it's about time that I said hi, i've been having a look about for a while and it's only polite to introduce myself. I used to shoot quite a bit, air rifles and small bore, 20 years have slid by and i find myself wanting to get back into it, i'm in rural wales and so it's only natural to go down the hunting route, birds, rabbits etc. As I lack most of the knowledge i'd like i've come looking for it and here I am. I've just picked up a HW100s for £250 which is a good deal I know I've own Bushcraft UK and the bushcraft skills lend themselves to shooting so i'm looking forwar
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