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Selwyn Froggit

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Everything posted by Selwyn Froggit

  1. I have'nt been on here in some time after some trouble but here are a couple of decent dogs I dug a fair amount to some years ago now. The little bitch (with the fox) was an excellent hunt terrier which I worked for 6 seasons with a pack of hounds.Passed away just before Xmas. The dog was a good steady worker which gave me a fair amount of pleasure over the years. I just buried him this very morning,old age catches up with us all.
  2. Latin Brog,someone must be into his classics. Jarhead - I was offered the pup Downsouth kept from the Chaz x Meg mating well before he did'nt come up to scratch free of charge,I did'nt have kennel space.Lucky me you might say but that's terriers for you no matter what they're bred from at times.
  3. Look's like shite,you still feeding him straw or what? Is that coupler covered in rust ???
  4. https://www.bellmanandflint.co.uk/product_d...product_id=2001
  5. I hear he has some Scotch in him , or was that has had some Scotch in him . Anyway one or the other .

  6. http://www.kenrockwell.com/nikon/28-80mm-g.htm
  7. The future's bright ... the future's chocolate

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