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About Nobby

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter
  • Birthday 09/08/1959

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  1. A lad at works mother from seaham not far from me had to have her finger amputated after a bite from one . Seaham woman loses finger after spider bite - ITV News - ITV.com
  2. well done socks but she is the one who should be at court and the police should of backed your actions.
  3. Vin i might have some kits i mated that big sandy hob lol to a small sandy jill she has not had them yet but they will be some spare if you wanted one marra.
  4. bullgreyhound 1994 let us know what your two albinos produce .
  5. I might be wrong but it looks a like its made from a old hand grinder the stone has been took off and line holder put on some lads also use them to spin snares Danielm7353.
  6. Nobby


    Got a 600 suzuki bandit at the mo alright for a bit ride about .That gt 750 is a mint bike Flipper AI alway liked them i had a suzuki gt 250 when i was a kid and so wanted a gt 750 lol .
  7. well done hull sunderland never turned up
  8. Enjoyed the day Tomo&vin better that work thats for sure that land should keep you busy next year you will need to get a jimny to carry all the rabbits lol .
  9. me FTM well done to city good goals .
  10. I fecking hope so max lol if you go on fw's bus again tell him i was asking after him marra.
  11. The weekend couldn't come round quick enuff lol the blue monkey sunderland and after dark shirt off belly out jumping round like a looney lol good nights.
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