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Everything posted by kozzi

  1. There is no question that goodness is destroyed when cooking flesh! We only cook our food because over the last 10 or thousand years we have enjoyed the odd Sunday roast by the fire and thought it bought out the flavour in our wooly mammoth a little better. A dog's acid is three or four times stronger than ours and will digest things quicker and more efficiently. Our stomachs cannot handle raw meat as we have changed our digestion process....domestication of dogs hasn't changed theirs for the better. Dry food os cooked and thus takes longer to digest and has nutrients missing.
  2. I would just like to say a great big " thanks" to all of you who have expressed an interest in my post and have either replied or PM'd me! After talking with the wife, my dog located several holes under the stable and cart lodge, a few under the compost heap and some in the stream bank running paralell with my land. She has since flushed a couple of rats from the bushes but being a large dog didn't stand a chance. The PRO'S will be called next week to deal with the problem, I have neither the time nor the experience to deal with them myself! Again many thanks, you have all done yourselves p
  3. Hi, just wanted to know the best way to get rid of the rats without killing my two dogs that have free rein around the place and my son who is 2 and into everything. Shooting is a last resort as I haven't the time. If I bait traps will the rats make it back home or will my dogs find them laying about waiting to be eaten? Seem to be more about now the corn has been cut and our stores of hay and straw for the horses are full. Any help well appreciated. Live near Ipswich if anyone wants to come one evening and bang a few with their airrifles.
  4. The BEST dog is the one which has the greatest hereditary potentiality (genotype), that is the one best style to transmit... Many specimens of a breed may resemble another in general appearance (phenotype) but differ entirely in hereditary and potentiality (genotype)... The most unreliable individual (Genetically and from a breeder's point of view) is the one having the most unrelated ancestors in it's pedigree." Sadly not by me - Phillip Gruenig, one of the founding breeders of the modern day Dobermann. It has been said here on this forum many times before, that I have seen anyway: "
  5. Normally have the 'white' for boney food and 'black' for very bloody meat such as horse meat which hasn't been hung and offal such as liver ect.
  6. Just don't do it in the winter! Also, you are putting more strain on your dogs internal organs. I would only do it on large items that take a long time to thaw, i.e., chicken carcasses.
  7. Eating the quarry sounds like an obedience issue, or dominence conflict, to me! A trained dog wouldn't do it. Dogs have a short stomach which means they digest in about 4 to 5 hours; we do it in 12 to 16 hours. Our stomachs are set up to digest food slowly as we eat a wide range of foods and no longer hunt. A dog does it quicker to gain energy. His gut acid is ph 1 ours is about 4, so he is more set up to comsume raw; his acid would eat through a wooden table in no time, ours would sit there thinking about being cleaned up. He cannot process the the protein and carbs in a bagged food as well
  8. get your wings and put them in boiling water for about 20 to 30 seconds....this will bring out a whole new aroma and flavour - great for whelping bitches that won't eat!!
  9. How about a dobermann? The lad I am looking after at the moment has caught a monkjack on my land and will track and flush all sorts of furry things. His breeder might want to get rid of him this month as he has run out of space and I can't help him out any more. He is full brother to my Schutzhund bitch and has plenty of prey drive and is about 45 kilos or so, runs until he falls. Only downside is that he has not been trained, only to come and sit; he has been left a blank canvass so that we could chose his direction when he was two years old. He is steady of character, food driven so easy to
  10. I assume that you have him on a lead...? If not, then it is all your fault! All you need is one lead, one pinch collar and a firm voice. It is not the other person's place to correct the dog, but if they are responsive enough to guidence, tell them to bring their knee up when he jumps and place it to his chest with a "NO!" It is hard, we want our dogs to jump on people when they are performing protection, but in the meantime we want them to be social. Seriously, keep him on a lead so that you can quickly correct the trouble without too much fuss...pinch collar optional
  11. FOOD FOOD FOOD FOOD FOOD! It shouldn't be a battle of wills, it should be a case of the dog wants to be with you are you are everything he has. Every time that dog even looks at you now, give him a tit-bit even if it is to beg for food. You are supposed to give him everything he needs, food, shelter, love, protection; nothing else matters now, not even running around and playing with other dogs. That dog must look to you all the time, this is how we train for work, we make the dog totally visual on us all of the time because when he is paying attention to me and looking to me he gets rewarded
  12. kozzi


    Someone chucks away their tripe, I collect it because I know I can sell it and make some money to feed my kids. There is always a comodity needing to be sold to people who are seeking it; mine is tripe! Someone is always looking to buy the things we throw away, Kreet it just doing it a different way. Perhaps Ditch Shitter's post about the R.S.P.C.A. doesn't seem relivent in this case and all of the dogs should have been pts? Maybe somewhere these dogs are having a better time than Kreet.
  13. A dog would be best. Two bitches together is worse than a bitch and male, it is called having a rider. The male will get all dominant and then the bitch will either lump it one or give into it, mine does. Then when the crunch comes he doesn't even see it coming and just like every species, he'll let the Lady point him in the right direction. Allow them to meet on neutral ground, then your bitch won't feel that a dog is usurping her throne and get all humpy with the puppy. Because the bitch is only 10 months old I think you will be all right, she probably will want to be a puppy again for a wh
  14. What you could do is ask your butcher for some lites. We get them minced and mix them with tripe or chicken, whatever, or even on their own. Lungs only have about 16% protein and about 3% fat so they are just what you are looking for. Where in the country are you Rip? I run a small dog food company but could put you onto someone if you live smiles away? All the best, Scott
  15. Feed more Lamb instead of chicken as the lamb has less "bouncey" protein, I find it doesn't make them as high as chicken as they are more natually fed. Sandy, just bang "carbohydrates" in to Google and have a trawl. That's where I got that paragraph!!
  16. "There is no known minimum dietary carbohydrate requirement for either the dog or the cat. Based on investigations in the dog and with other species it is likely that dogs and cats can be maintained without carbohydrates if the diet supplies enough fat or protein from which the metabolic requirement for glucose is derived." Feed the same, simply cut down the amount you feed, after all, it won't need as much enrgy if he isn't working as much. A good trick to keep weight off greedy dogs is to feed them cabbage, it fills them up but delivers them very few calories. I still feed mine the same as
  17. kozzi

    Guard Dog

    The trouble with mastifs in general is they are slow to mature and slow to bite, even though they look scary you will have to do a bit of waiting and plenty of training to get it on the ball. I have Dobermanns and they are pretty slow to mature, they are the only dog bred to defend man and their guard instinct doesn't really appear on its own until 9 to 11 months. the trouble is that most breeds here are not bred for work, they have been pet-afide for the market place, even Rotties and Dobes are rare to find a decent working breeder. Go for a shepherd...they mature quickly, they are good at g
  18. Hi, everyone, Hibiscrub is the handwash you find by every sink in a hospital. It is dirt cheap!! Buy it from a vet and it goes through the roof. Find a cleaning supplier wholesaler and they will stock it in 5 litre tubs. My wife works in a hospital and uses it every five minutes. Ask a friend who works there if they can purchase some for you from their manager.
  19. Hi, Clip, we already deliver to two kennels in Wisbech so we could always deliver to you on the same day...as long as you order enough, we only charge £2.50 for delivery. Let me know All the best, Scott
  20. Hi, we deliver throughtout Essex and Herts. We are based between Ipswich and Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk. Give us a ring 01449 740232 07880792972 http://www.thedogfoodcompany.net/ Cheers, Scott
  21. uncooked oils are good for putting on weight; smother some brown bread with loads of olive oil and give that to her. breast of lamb is great or maybe some suet. Tripe is also good for putting weight on. Good luck
  22. Hi, just wondering if anyone in the area was selling their ferreted or head-shot rabbits? Can collect, any amount considered. Our usual source is running a little dry and we want to keep on top of things. Many dogs to feed! Suffolk, Essex and Norfolk, please P.S. also looking for deer carcasses. All the best, Scott: 07880792972
  23. smother the bread with some olive oil and bake it in the oven to make a toast, not too often if she is loose; it is another great weight adder. Get her on chicken of some sort, carcass, necks, preferably wings. Put some honey in her water, it will make her drink more and it's an anti-oxident Personally, I would get her off the dry all together and feed her raw meat, especially the tripe and the chicken and keep away from the rich venison for a week or so?
  24. try www.thedogfoodcompany.net If you are in the midlands or the south east. kozzi
  25. Hi, just wanted to introduce myself. I live on a small holding in Suffolk, compete my dogs in the sport of Schutzhund and run a small dog food company- manly raw foods. My brother used to go rabbit shooting and i used to go along when we were boys but haven't done anything for a while. We have a few rats running around in the horse stable and feed room so was thinking about getting a gun to keep them at bay. Only here for the info, but might be able to contribute if a subject I have knowledge of pops up. Many thanks
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