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About doris

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  1. loving the pics of the dogs hauling then]mselves over the fence. Had colie grey that would jump/climb anyrthing. Unfortunately died far to young.
  2. yes defo very amorous as spring comes along
  3. great pic with the young un with her hand on her hip!!
  4. Do you mind me asking what area of soton?
  5. I have ordered some worming spot on treatmaent. I'll let you know how I get on. Thx for all replies.
  6. was it the same symptons?
  7. havent seen any worms in litter, but not to say there arent. Ill check again.
  8. One of my male ferretts, 4 years old, is looking decidely jaded. His coat is poor and feels very boney when I pick him up. His stomach looks big/bloated. He eats his fair share along side his hutch mate who looks in good nick. I have been feeding them mainly on ferrett nuggets through the summer with the odd pigeon, rabbit, squirrel and pheasant when I have them. I would appreciate some positive feed back on what may be wrong and what I can do to sort him. Before any one says take him to the vets that would be my last resort as I have very little faith in domestic city vets. Regar
  9. that doesnt looka particularly high protein content , but what you havent quoted is the preservatives that are in the food, which in my opinion counts for a lot. I agree with the raw food diet (barf), and can only tell of a woman I know that approached me about her springer that was 4 years old and still bouncing of the walls as she put it despite being put on a special diet by her vet. . . . James wellbeloved dry food, I told her of the raw food diet and despite her shock and horror, she decided to give it a go. 4 weks later she rang me to say she was concerned , in that when she came
  10. never heard of them mate. I'm based in the south so depends where there from I spose. . . .
  11. does the 1st x not tend to be a little heavy/blocky? would the 3/4 cros be a more agile, quicker dog. . . . . thinking rabbits here.
  12. chicken wings is apretty good balance of bone, muscle meat and fat (the skin (
  13. Im toying with getting a whippet and the type you have mentioned takes my interest. If you dont mind I'll message you to get some more info rather than bother this lot on here
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