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Everything posted by steve

  1. All i can do is see how she goes, but hopefully not just a pet thats all you can do.. see how it goes im still waiting to hear when your other four dogs are going to go
  2. good luck..hope you enjoy it..let us all know how you get on with it
  3. i think its down to what kind of earth being worked,in some situations big strong terriers are just too big and can be very limited to where they can be worked..on the other hand i sometimes feel my terriers which are small and narrow are abit on the light side in some situations. i think its down to different tools for different jobs..good topic donny c.. i would be interested to hear your opinion on this. thanks steven
  4. this one looks to me like it has a shite weak handle..or maybe its just the way the picture looks
  5. this is the black and white one Nice, Wheres she from mate? Very similar to a bitch i had years back. alright mate..the terrier is one i bred and its now up in the lakes
  6. thanks very much for all the comments lads
  7. my last litter of pups was out of this dog to my best bitch
  8. nice waz..like the one on the left
  9. one of the badgers which comes rooting at night in the barns out the back..always good to watch
  10. just wondering how you rate them rat smokers you have in the picture fellpack? ive had one for abit but not got round to giving it a go.
  11. Nice dogs Steve, are they yours? The photo on the right looks a bit pixalated, like its been copied and saved from somewhere else?! yes waz.. very observant of you..the first picture was one of mine which didnt make the grade and the second one is a picture i picked up a couple of years back
  12. the way i see it is.. the weak pups in the litter die, end of..the smallest pup in the litter is the runt.ive seen runts make the grade as good workers and in my experience the runt usually turn out to be roughly the same size as their litter brothers or sisters when adults.
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