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Everything posted by karlsberg

  1. he right jamie .... dont argue with him cos he never wrong lol...... but i do agree with some stuff he says..
  2. MONA monas mother was bre dby my mate holly x joe she teh sister to whitney... so u cant claim that one lol speedie u clutching at straws lol ...
  3. dont worry iceman jamie just in a bad mood his wifes just ran away with an ice cream seller... maybe hes got mixed up... .
  4. yeh u tell him iceman he was in shorts as well........ bu ti must admit that bitch is a quality bitch well with sunglasses on lol
  5. i think hes having teething trouble thats why hes grumpy....
  6. yes u are a summer hunter jamie its on you tube....
  7. jamie in a bad mood lol it must be all that sun lol
  8. i thought alot of my pups gonna be good so many times lol ive been dissapointed so many times lol
  9. i hibernate in winter so never see snow i come out with teh daffodils... jm welcome to come out with us anytime id love to see lucas run and let him take our money off us i been told he can run
  10. should be alot more honesty .. no i dont start till march
  11. im not on you tube llol but will jm match that bitch lol it only a young un lol be nice to match a legend/.....
  12. i liked it better when you lot was fighting...... speedie just pm me saying that iceman has a little weener
  13. peace has started ... good ... can any of you lads help me plzzz .. who has teh best dogs in ireland at moment........ just joking lol ....
  14. pinky always has something good .... lol if they talked about they got to match unless talk is all that it is....
  15. can i ask u lads a question..... why do u bicker so much .. is it cos u firey irish men..... hares over here in england are shit at mo especially on the fens .. fen hares this early on are prob teh poorest hares you could run.. you will get odd good uns....
  16. wolfie was out of casper x ruthie seen him run good dog well tested and a good owner who didnt liek to hold onto his slip.. seen wolfie have some massive slips
  17. its not ginger who should be in jail its them f*****g vets the amount they charge robbing b*****ds ... does anyone know if len still go told luke at stud
  18. they look proper mate that bitch looks liek it could stop a train .. think ive kept a gay dog ill have to take him out in me handbag
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