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karlsberg last won the day on March 26 2011

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319 Excellent

About karlsberg

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday 01/04/1990

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  1. this is scouts future girlfriend, very well bred and she not even fit in this pic, her father is Fred out of wolfie x titch, wolfie out of Casper x Ruthie, titch out of colefields joe x Rainey ( Rainey the sister to ghost) . Her mother is may out of colefields joe x gyp fensfar put fella to [bANNED TEXT] red bitch fella ran fens 5 seosons a great geniune dog this is scouts future girlfriend, very well bred and she not even fit in this pic, her father is Fred out of wolfie x titch, wolfie out of Casper x Ruthie, titch out of colefields joe x Rainey ( Rainey the sister to ghost) . Her m
  2. he been to 2 bitches coursing bitches that is..and one bullx which the lads very happy with.. im not into using him to be fair just for mates and personal use he lined 1 jack snowy bitch this yr .. luke says his storm pups are running out of there skin but time will tell when the hares get stronger.. cockers scout pup i seen run at 7 months old by accident to be fair it ran out of its skin on hares what get ran regular. but as again he might be shit later on..if u think there about 20 000 lurchers bred every year not all can make i bet there about 2 per cent what are exceptional u just g
  3. charlie x foxy charlie x seagull sire ..... dam Fred out of wolfie x titch, wolfie out of Casper x Ruthie, titch out of colefields joe x Rainey ( Rainey the sister to ghost) . Her mother is may out of colefields joe x gyp .. seen this bitch run massive heart and can take them out early as well. been pestering him to put scout over her for a few years now in my eyes she made for him...very very very excited.
  4. she 24 in that whitney bitch suppose to be running well..looks alittle shorter than latchys....that bitch is nowhere near fit its just the way she looks... hopefully if everything turns out the way id like it too big plans for that bitch.. as in id like it spend a 3 week hliday at mine... she fred x may..
  5. fenarefarbutillstillgo will tell you how its bred its his bitch .. she retired now.. all credit goes to him with her condition.just think its how she bred
  6. what imported salukis fred be nice to know . its a prosthetic leg she hoping to be in the doggy paralympics..
  7. looks well him all these pups now are similar looking arent they.. aprt from mine hes the julian clary of the breed
  8. no it buddy bred but to what... and pink leads kc was it because u was wearing yours lol........ mines the bairns pony lead rope it was handy
  9. there u go poacher28 mat eonly pici have of her she was about 9 month there.. looks a lot stronger now but not grown in height much
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