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Everything posted by sue

  1. sue

    gutting a rabbit

    i will give that a go better than driving home with bloody hands
  2. sue

    help please

    leave the wife indoors and you sleep with the dog outside
  3. im just glad he didnt get his didgeridoo out ! tie me kangaroo down sport
  4. good photos i like the meerkat they are little characters
  5. its not always the amount that counts its a good day out that matters and everyone enjoyed it
  6. what a shame but thats life
  7. its not a regular thing while out ferreting to have meeting like that ,good pictures to show friends
  8. ive had shark but its nothing great i carnt even remember how it tasted only it was a bit rubbery
  9. hes a nice looking laid back ferret ,i too leave my vasectomised all year with my jills i find they dont get ragged at all but some of mine still have phantoms even dragging the poor hob about
  10. have you got a heat lamp ,or you could give him plenty of old jumpers
  11. i feel sorry for the poor chicken that parted with that one
  12. nice dogs ,looks like they had a lot of fun in the snow
  13. i would already have him outside so he can be near the ferrets and get used to them ,you dont want to leave it to long or you might have a accident ,take him along with you as soon as possible ferreting the older dogs will bring him on .he will soon pick it up
  14. hi there thanks for having me ,i have two terriers and a few ferrets.i am looking forward to reading and replying to messages
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