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Everything posted by sue

  1. i have one ,he was a silver but with age he got lighter and lighter now he is a black eyed white
  2. thats a good size hole and a good catch,well done
  3. i though i had missed it then ,i like the guy he is game
  4. give them a few from me too please
  5. totally agree with you on that
  6. is that those wrinkly dogs with too much skin
  7. sometimes ferrets can go into a very deep sleep ,but keep a eye on her ,my ferret what started this i was having to really shake him to wake him developed insulinoma
  8. nice looking ferrets ,it looks like they love their new home too
  9. she may have forced him away too much so he his shying from her ,take him back out for a couple of days and then re try . ive had the smallest jills put fear into the big hobs
  10. we seem to have a competition going on who can camouflage the best
  11. thats not a bad price,and for putting him back with the girls i would wait about a month and then put him with one of the girls just to make sure its worked
  12. good result farmer will be pleased with them 3 gone
  13. i used to have a allotment several years ago i had to give it up didnt have the time must say i still miss it
  14. how can anyone take a man dressed from head to toe in lycra :wacko:
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