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Everything posted by sue

  1. it was a nice weekend i was with the east coast ferrets giving my friend a hand. it was a small fair it needs more support though .
  2. i wouldnt give too much follow ditches advice or putting it plain your dog will have the shits
  3. can i ask a question did you need planning permission for the palace
  4. very smart makes mine look boring and old ,back to the question if i can concentrate without keep looking at your pictures ive only once left 2 jills together and it didnt work but others have had good success but the down side is you carnt tell whos kits are whos
  5. ive always wondered what schnauzers would be like anyone know anyone who has had one
  6. i heard somewhere that you shouldnt use garden bark some thing to do with spores from when it starts to decay ,i may be wrong i thought it would look nice but i buy bales of horse shavings
  7. what i do its a tedious job but if she has fleas spray some frontline in the lid and soak some up with a cotton bud and dab it on the flea ,its a safer way than spraying the whole ferret
  8. i like the bloke hes different very amusing he would make a good pm
  9. mine is The Sun Ain’t Gonna Shine Anymore - The Walker Brothers
  10. :clapper: thick as pig shit comes to mind
  11. its getting to the point where nobody will sell anything on here because of the grief people are getting
  12. nice pictures and a cracking looking pup
  13. my lot seem to take it in turns who is going to drag everyone back to bed each day ,funny lot when you think about it
  14. ive never lost any kits through me looking ,i have only tried that once leaving them together sisters that is that is why im curious of the outcome of leaving the hob there
  15. i once left 2 sisters together to raise their young as a group but one of them started killing the kits so i had to remove her i dont know whos kits they were ,thats why i dont think the hob could be anymore of a threat
  16. who ever said the hob was a risk ,we have only been led to believe this ,we will just have to wait and see the kits could be at risk from the jill herself
  17. the more i think about this the more im convinced there really shouldnt be a problem leaving the hob in with the jills ,the jills rule the roost and generally put the hobs in there place i dont think the hob would be allowed near the kits by the jills
  18. im guttered for you, you did your best for him and what you chose to do in the end must have been hard but he isnt suffering anymore
  19. sue


    i lost my old boy yesterday so i know how you are feeling ,i shed a few tears as i buried him and then opened a bottle then shed a few more tears as he wasnt there waiting for his tea tonight R.I.P charlie
  20. i would also wait about 6 weeks and then just put him with one jill to be sure its worked ,one litter is better than several
  21. i dont think it would be a good idea ever to take a dog to show where there are children that isnt happy being around them and £250 for a dog thats not proven
  22. i see my ferrets as working partners while out ferreting and pets when at home ,i have such a soft spot for them when i breed my working lot i use the best for ferreting and future breeding but the useless lot i keep i do alot of public relations children love to hold the ferrets so do people who have never held a ferret before they make good handleable ferrets especially castrated hobs ,then you get the old guys who ferreted years ago telling you their stories of years gone by some good ones and then you have good natter about how over the years good ferret keeping makes more sense now and th
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