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Everything posted by sue

  1. they would be fine together when the full hob is out of season
  2. ive never been able to and i dont know anyone who has without the full hob beating the castrated hob up
  3. nice colour , ive seen a very pale fox a couple of years back
  4. i like sandy jills but you carnt beat a dopey albino hob
  5. watching it now,he carnt see his wife is nackered and he just wants more kids ,i will just pay my taxes into keeping their tribe
  6. neat plot ,i am re arranging my garden with the ferret sheds and dog kennel so i can have a little veg plot and a couple of chickens i bet it will rain all weekend
  7. can i ask what they have been eating in the last few days and what do you use for their drinking water
  8. sue

    dead 7 year old

    its hard to believe that anyone could do that to a human or even a animal
  9. i like that ,it seems to nice to put the dogs in
  10. i like that ,it seems to nice to put the dogs in
  11. just heard on the news that a mother and step dad had starved a 7 year old girl and she has died and the other children are starving too they are in a birmingham hospital
  12. missed the programme is it repeated
  13. i prefer the crunchy nicer taste ,no seriously the cheapest doesnt matter ,custard creams are a good bait too
  14. it made me panic and after she had been sick she was fine then i gave them some more the following week same happened again i tried the third time same again throwing up in the corner so its goats milk for her ,she is coming up to 9 so i dont know why all of a sudden its one of lifes mysteries i guess
  15. And another thing.......I meant intollerant to the milk - not lactose . God, its such a worry when something like this happens It is lactose there intollerent to I think you are right Kay She seems OK now thankfully, she must be the same as Sue's ferret as she was sick almost as soon as it hit her stomach, poor little thing eh. i havnt a clue why she has just started being like this she is ok with goats milk
  16. i often give my oldies whiskers to keep their weight up during the winter but one i dont give to she is sick straight after its like she is sick as soon as it hits her stomach ,she used to be fine i dont know why she is like it now ,strange isnt it
  17. hope your new arrivals catch you plenty of rabbits in the coming seasons ,lovely pictures
  18. a friend of mine ferret had 14 its some record,that lot will take some feeding
  19. i tried my lot once in a paddling pool they hated the water but they liked sleeping underneath it
  20. mine have big dog bowls in their runs but i am baby sitting a couple of ferrets for a month and they are in a cage and i got fed up struddling to clean the bottles
  21. ive had this on for two weeks now ,its clean as a whistle inside . Im just wondering if it will stop it freezing in the winter its got bubble wrap in between 2 pieces of fabric i might stick a bottle in the freezer and see what happens
  22. I have always tried covering water bottles to stop them going green ,well im impressed with my new covering ive made
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