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Everything posted by sue

  1. sue


    there are loads of different makes of ferret biscuits on the market these days , keep us posted on her and the little ones
  2. sue


    well i would suggest dont feed her anymore on bread and milk ,and because she is used to biscuits get her some proper ferret biscuits to start with and slowly introduce fresh meat proper ferret biscuits have a better vitamin and fat content than cat biscuits and they should help her put a bit of weight back on ,also a egg once a week will help her whisk it up in a dish she will love that as a treat
  3. sue


    what do you normally feed her on
  4. nice pictures ,love the snowman is that your master piece lol
  5. sue


    happy birthday tom ,have a good one all the best sue
  6. you cruel person lol only joking there is that many over weight dogs today when they see the correct weight they think its starved
  7. i telephoned around 7 local vets and i found a brilliant one what i call a propper vet its a old farm house out in the middle of nowhere they treat everything ,the consultation is only£8
  8. could i add symptoms of heat stroke symptoms : heavy panting ,gasping cure :remove ferret into a cooler place and spray with cool water in severe cases when the ferret has collapsed the only option is a bucket of cool water, cool ferret is a good mineral to add to the drinking water
  9. i am not saying rush to the vets for a sniffle ,but when you can see the ferret is really not well then i cannot see what the problem is not seeking treatment,people dont seem to have the problem in spending money on their dogs but not their ferrets is it because there is so many kits in the summer that its so easy and cheap to simply replace them.Ive never had any serious problems with my ferrets health and im glad of that .I was just stating my point of view
  10. But with nearly all the posts on ferret health problems cropping up its made me write this ,I am not having a go at anyone but if ferret owners spent a little more time with their ferrets they might notice illnesses sooner rather than later ,you should all know how each of you ferrets behavour is normal to them and if you notice anything different about them keep an eye open and if any unusual pus or lack of appitite then i would suggest a phone call or a quick visit to the vets,reguarding cost as some have mentioned you have to think about that before you get your animal as they sooner or lat
  11. it sounds like she had pyametra
  12. i got bit nearly 2 weeks ago ,they said it was a spider bite its still slightly swollen today and a little bruised looking
  13. thats what mine would do after a quick sniff around
  14. looks like they like the extension ,but i would put some cover or mesh over the run incase of unwanted visitors
  15. my terrier has usually eaten them all out the rabbits before i get home with them
  16. its a thicket of idiots
  17. careful i live in a village lol
  18. good one ,i think you ferret wants that one for his tea lol
  19. ive only took in rescued ferrets because i have a soft spot for them and ive taken them along when ive been ferreting just to see what they are like,and as for breeding some crap workers who hasnt not all ferrets are as good as others ,the rubbish workers are just kept as pets
  20. ive bred a few rubbish workers over the years and ive had rescued which have worked good
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