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Everything posted by sue

  1. i used to have an allotment several years ago and i used circles of old carpet around the stalks ,but a old guy told me to save the onion tops and dig them into the patch of ground you are going to grow your brassica plants the following year on, and sure enough it worked apparently the soil still smells of onion and the flies dont like it
  2. how do they manage it getting all that money off the social,i was made redundant a few years back and they made me wait 12 weeks until my redundancy payment had been used up before they gave me £42 a week to live off after all these years of paying taxes ,it makes me sick
  3. from one jill all those kits ,thats a large litter
  4. sue

    dogs and children

    I agree about the crate , Madges is her bed she gets in it when she wants & i only lock it when i am busy & if i am out , she is protected in there & having laminate if something startles her she skids all over the place like Bambi , so to me the crates just an extention off a bed but with a top & sides i agree they need their own little den to get away ,i hate it when the poor dogs are constantly being dragged from pillow to post good animal respect is needed from children and with that hopefully a good bond and a life time of friendship ,but i would never leave a chi
  5. sounds like fleas and the black bits as you call them could be flea feases ,the easiest way to tell is get some black bits and put them on a wet piece of kitchen roll if the turn red then its dried blood from the fleas.i dont think you could treat her with anything with the kits being so you ,its going to be a flea comb and cracking them between your nails
  6. it sounds like it had a slight upset stomach and with swapping its food about you have made it worse ,i think your best bet is to feed it on boiled rice and boiled chicken for about a week giving maybe 3 small meals a day ,to much at once will only make it worse.then slowly add the food you intend to keep him on and slowly drop the amount of feeds
  7. i think it might be best to take a trip to the vets ,a month with dirrhea is a long time
  8. sue

    computer help!

    i will have to think on this one tonight and get back to you tomorrow ,i thought someone else might have been able to help as i dont know that much about pcs sorry i havnt helped but i like a challenge
  9. how long has she been shitting like this
  10. sue

    computer help!

    what media player are you using to try and run the clips through?windows own,or real player
  11. sue

    computer help!

    you tube is web based so you will get that, can you rename your files? if not allowed or permitted its because they have been transfered between to different machines one being xp the other vista boot up in safe mode and take ownership of them
  12. my oldest has just reach 12 last month i have one live till 14,the average age is normally 7-9
  13. sue

    computer help!

    Check to see what type of file you are trying to open. If it's avi / wmv do a google search for codecs and download a codec pack If it's mov get the latest quicktime player Check to see if your firewall is blocking any of the programs from connecting out to the internet. If you have some internet security software (such as norton internet security) this can also block certain programs from using the internet properly and can use this type of problem, You can disable the firewall in this software to see if it fixes your problem. Btw if you use a router to connect to the internet i
  14. thats awful ,hope your duck recovers from her wound and shock ,hope you get the culprit
  15. i usually put him back when they are roughly 12 weeks old they are big and tough enough to stand up to the hob, plus they try to suckle from the hob if they are to young
  16. their eyes dont change colour
  17. sue


    hi and welcome ,you have quite a few kits there good luck with them
  18. must have been deleted through bad taste
  19. i used to have one very simular in markings and temperment got him from a animal sales you couldnt tuch him without him hissing at you the only time i could pick him up was the day he died ,he could have been a polecat or a polecat coloured ferret with issues i will never know ,heres him
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