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Everything posted by sue

  1. i think its all down to all the pesticides that are sprayed in gardens ,you dont see much of anything anymorec
  2. He looks a nice poley sue.Aye mine still carrys on like a kit.Hows yours teeth?His is starting to go,not bothering him just yet but will need to keep an eye on him. her teeth are not too bad going clear as they do and missing a fang tooth
  3. he looks well for 8 all mine go a silver grey with age this was a poly she is also 8
  4. i had a huge sandy hob you could walk him like a dog ,it gets you plenty of stares and frightened pet dog owners think your ferret is going to kill their dog
  5. pigeons, day old chicks, crows any thing thats freshly killed on the road if not damaged to bad,as your name is love to shoot go out and shoot something for them
  6. thats ok for 4 ferrets ,if you feel its not you could always build a run off of it
  7. i use photo bucket and just copy the image code,just google photo bucket and sign up its free
  8. i leave my vasectomised with my jills all year ,infact he lives with 4 jills and 5 castrated hobs i dont find him ragging the girls infact the opposite there is hardly a scratch mark on them when they come in season .ive always done this ,its like hes more gentle because hes been with them all the time instead of suddenly meeting a jill in season and hes all go with eagerness
  9. whats the suppliers name
  10. a nice mixed bag and you sure THWACK em one
  11. for quick racing about 4 ft ,slower racing 2 pieces about 3 ft long with a piece of mesh in the middle
  12. yes it keeps a nice free space so you can see your ferret when it comes out of the tubes ,and watch out for dogs
  13. will, believe me when there is a lot of noise and smells no ferret is bomb proof so be cautious and the meningitis trust is a good charity to support ,i do all i can to help this charity as my niece when she was 2 contracted meningitis
  14. ive had them take up to 10 days before swelling goes down ,whats the rush
  15. just make sure if you let the public stroke the ferrets that the ferrets dont get restless and nip ,they do get fed up , and it doesnt look good .
  16. she is most likely sore 2 days with one hob and then with another ,2 days for her vulva to go down isnt long enough ,give her a rest she isnt a machine poor thing
  17. My dad has just finished silaging so he has loads of wrap tubes. I will paint them and put wire sections so the audiense can see the fert. and some up and down bits. I suppose the more tubes the better because then you get less winners. ive tried it with more tubes but 3 seems the best ,if you put too many on your chances of paying out more than you collect is higher
  18. i dont know the laws about betting on this subject ,ive only done it when the charities have organised it
  19. ive done a fair bit of ferret racing for different charities ,your best bet is to have 3 tubes and each ferret has a different coloured collar on a bit of felt does the job and get about 60 pieces of card ,20 of each of the 3 colours .and sell them at 50p each and the winners win a quid .cheap betting but gets the money in
  20. carnt sit on them to have your cuppa and i dont think a draw string is ferret proof
  21. sue


    youve been naughty
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