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Everything posted by sue

  1. its on 3 days this year Friday 29th August Saturday 30th August Sunday 31st August
  2. nice looking pair you have there ,what height are they
  3. one of my jills when she moults for her summer coat goes slightly bald behind her ears just a small patch but it grows back when she gets her winter coat.eggs can make them go bald if given to many ,1 egg a week is plenty no more
  4. nice fair bit of land you have got yourself :thumbs-up:
  5. wearing a finder collar you have very little chance of loosing your ferret now have you
  6. i would never use one , for the simple reason your ferret has no means to defend its self,i didnt think anyone now days would put their ferret in to those kind of circumstances
  7. I myself wouldnt take one of this years kits out till next season only because i find they tend to want to play about and not really work
  8. i just give my bedlington a quick wizz over with the grade 2 in the summer
  9. so if you value your health and life ,quite simple solution shave it off
  10. Sorry to hear that its always hard when they go R.I.P BUTCH
  11. nice one ,happy hunting
  12. When a 15 locator goes of the scale you dont want to be digging if you can help it though on a nice sandy bank, lovely time then to get the flask out lol i prefer jills mine what i have bred are quite big and stocky and i prefer sandy coloured ferrets i can see them better
  13. sue


    if they are kept clean they wont stink ,but full hobs at this time of year have a musky smell some more than others but if you get them castrated or spayed it almost takes it away completely .but as they are living animals they will always have a slight smell
  14. in the local ad mag there is a labradoodle going for £850 ,and a puglhas going for £450
  15. I can never stop myself from looking for stupid crosses and the laughable prices
  16. dog looks well tidy now and she must feel better with all this heat
  17. Everybody knows how to feed and look after dogs ,but when it comes to the poor ferret there is lots of people getting them and then asking questions later when things start going wrong , It could be because the ferrets dont cost alot or they are free and dogs are bought for a couple of hundred. First of all ferrets are carnivores that means meat not cooked stuff or cat or dog food and definitely not bread and milk but fur and feather whole the better,with plenty of variety.You woulnt buy a dog and then feed it crap and expect it to be full of energy to do its job so why to a ferret .Every livi
  18. i used to drink the old cider and black ,more refined now a nice bottle of merlot
  19. good idea but i would put more mesh sections in ,it will get very hot in there when the sun is on it
  20. lovely ferrets ,good idea to get your hob vasectomised .your dog made me laugh
  21. sorry to hear that mate ,if the ferret is eating and seems happy then it should be ok but only you can see if things arnt right and then the best thing for it would be to have it put to sleep ,we have all had these decisions to make it is hard on us but kinder on the animal
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