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Everything posted by sue

  1. Thanks again everybody ,I had a lovely day
  2. Thanks everyone ,I have a couple of bottles from work mates and chinese is ordered so just put my feet up tonight
  3. you forgot to put where abouts you are
  4. Happy Birthday Georgia have a good one
  5. sorry to hear that ,i myself have lost a few over the past months dont get any easier even when you know their time is soon up .theres always funny moments to remind you of them
  6. Happy Birthday Miss ,have a good one
  7. ration books ration books erm carnt remember them
  8. i either shoot or a quick pull of the neck to dispatch my quarry
  9. any news on the ferret yet on how it is doing
  10. I feed mine doc on the odd occasion ,never had problems of coughs ,mine love them
  11. sue

    man eats cat

    i suppose it makes a change to chicken fried rice
  12. it can vary across the country your best bet is to get the phone book and give your local ones a ring and ask
  13. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ,have a good one
  14. superb lovely & fattening Sod that, it's toffee or feck all for me! your a bit fussy malt ,free popcorn and entertainment tonight, get the beers out to wash it all down
  15. none of might fight ,the jills put him in his place if they dont want him ,and as regarding neutering ,if you have him vasectomised then he will still mate with the jill when she comes into season and thus take her out solving any problems what could occur with her being in season along time plus saves you money and time having to take her to the vets to have her jill jabbed and you wont have unwanted kits to find homes for .if you decide to have him castrated he will loose any urge to want to mate with the jill,then you still have the jill to think about then when she comes into season unless
  16. i would put them together when the jill is about 4 months old when she is big enough to stick up for herself ,just put them in the same cage and keep an eye on them .they should be fine
  17. yes you will be able to ,all mine live together all year round
  18. ive got one ,not bad at taking pigeons ,squirrels and rabbits at close range the only down side is i find it a tad heavy
  19. if i was you i would get him vesectomised then you wouldnt have the problem of taking the jill out of season ,but if your getting a young kit i would keep them separate until she is a bit bigger so she isnt bullied
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