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Everything posted by martync1967

  1. thought i would take the pup onto my local land today to get him used to sheep although we couldnt get that close to them there was a sheep tangled up in brambles so thought it would be good get my pup a bit closer he did alright he just looked at the sheep and never did anything wrong so we untangled the sheep and went on our way we will be going over the land again every weekend from now on just to make sure the pup gets used to the sheep just a couple of pictures of todays first outing for our pup alb everyone martync
  2. what are the advantages of having dew claws removed or do people prefer to run dogs with them still atached any comments
  3. not much about thats a good catch i wouldnt complain alb martync
  4. nice to see young uns getting into the sport alb
  5. welcome back mate bet you missed it
  6. welcome george to thl :welcomeani: :welcomeani:
  7. been on hear for over a year now and seem to recognize most peoples names but i got a pm of some guy telling he had caught hares where he lives recently close to where i live ,and he started asking questions that i though funny like does your dog do charlie and deer and i know that the police have set up some sort of organisation to stop it where i live, i new there was something dodgy about this so i stopped right there and thought this is not a fellow that does what i do ,he was not talking like he wanted to meet me but more like he was trying to trap me or set me up so i blocked him just b
  8. do you get any orders or have been asked for toggle release slip leads mate i might be interested if you do alb martync
  9. i always have taken my terrier out with me when i go lamping for the past five years it keeps her happy and keeps her keen ,my mates dogs like that runs round like a fecking loony then get his head back on alb martync
  10. i got told never trust a copper although some are not as bad as made out to be , my daughters boy friend is one he races greyhounds and has been lamping with me some times ,but saying that he is always asking questions
  11. dont know what to make of that but it could of had something to do with younger dogs wanting to become alfa or delta in the pack or something like that or maybe things just got out of control and the dog in question wernt strong enough to defend itsself ,im not an expert but it looks like something like that alb
  12. got the riing of death mate take it back and get a refund
  13. very sorry for your loss deepest sympathy mate
  14. dont take any notice of it mate there are people like that everywhere you go let them have there say but at the end of the day it wont change the way us lot on here go about doing what we do best.everybody is entitled to there own oppinion obviously some people dont have a clue what the hell they are on about alb martync
  15. nice bag of rabbits and the pup looks well
  16. nice pups mate alb with rehoming them sire looks awsum
  17. strong dog there hope he sells mate alb
  18. dont think you will have pup long its a little cracker alb
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