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Everything posted by martync1967

  1. for me its the greyhound but the whippet comes a close second with its lightning fast acceleration
  2. good veiwing nice to watch thanks for the clip, dvd should be good alb martync
  3. hello guys and galls i would just like to say that ive been on this site for two years now and think that its a place to come to if you are in need of advice from the members when wanting to know something that your not too sure about when just starting out with this sport.ive been at this for a good twenty years or there abouts and if there are any up and coming hunters out there that want any advice myself and fellow dogmen would im sure pass on there knowledge to you that ask for it. anyway i would just like to wish the best of luck to anyone that will be bringing on or entering a dog for t
  4. Wots this all about ? Your trying to make self sound like a working dog expert thats probabably read 2 or 3 books on lurchers and a couple of copys of the countrymans weekly, iv seen all this before from so called know it alls and realy you are just trying to cause an argument and a right load of trouble for yous self, if you want to do this why dont you convert to an anti then you can cause as much trouble as you want it should suit your argumentive nature!!! Im not a so called bull x fan as you put it nither but these dogs are bred for working aswell and when it comes to killing these dogs a
  5. crime watch road show was on monday and there were scumbags nicking dogs to sell on because of the credit crunch makes me fecking sick :sick:
  6. whats happened mate tell us have you got any info on the feckers you can share with the rest of us
  7. hello and welcome to the hunting life
  8. cracking dogs the fawn dog looks the spit of mine alb martync
  9. hello better late than never alb martnc
  10. beddy whippet x greyhound perfect alrounder in my opinion
  11. breeze,shadow,bandit,gandolf,stig
  12. i no what your saying webby but i only take him out the odd few times when yhe conditions are rightcant take him out in the day as i am in bed coz i work nights only get a chance on the weekend
  13. thanks so there are some people that no what they are talking about alb martync
  14. going to be a good night tomos so im going to take my beddywhippet pup out for a try he is yet to catch his first bunny and he is a keen little fecker full of energy and determination so fingers crossed he might suprize me i no valley lad has put up a post aBOUT LAMPING IN SUMMER and it is wrong but with pups that are going to be just about ready this season i think that it wont hurt to have the odd run every couple of weeks does anyone agree on this and is anyone taking there pups out tomos
  15. he,s defo beddy whippet the sire and dam are in my gallery thanks anyway alb martync
  16. cheers mate yes it looks like he will doin the biz for me in a couple of weeks or fingers crossed he,s a little speed demon
  17. this is my beddywhippet pup smoke and his growth so far,he has changed so much he is starting to take shapenow he is full of energy and is keen as mustad.he is standing at 20 tts and his coat is starting to get a bit more broken he has had a few chases on the lamp and gets up on the bunnies and can have then turning to avoid capture although he is only six months and a bit it is only a matter of weeks before his first catch which will be intersting to see how he does 1st picture he is 7 weeks oldsecond is ten weeks third and forth is 2 months fivth is 3 months sixth pic is 4months seventh and
  18. here is a little bit of info Brian Nuttall has more than 50 years of experience working and maintaining this breed. His grandfather was a gamekeeper and bred working terriers. Brian's own strain of terrier started with dogs from his grandfather, and later -- as with many of the great strains -- some of the legendary Breay Buck strain was introduced. Cyril Breay and Franck Buck have had some of the biggest impact on the modern Patterdale Terrier.picture is brian with flint
  19. i think that these people that breed for profit dont give a shit as long as they get the wods in there arse pocket its the inexpearienced people that are being conned into handing large amounts of money for pups because of what shit the breeder is filling there heads with. like you say j darcy each to there own its totoly wrong but it is always going to be an issue in the dog world alb martync
  20. hello mate better late than never welcome and alb martync
  21. hello mate welcome to thl alb martync
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