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Everything posted by tallyboy

  1. ha ha, i've just watched that match on match of the day, your back in the thick of it now it'll be 3-0 to the mighty mags c'mon keegan
  2. just got my hats this morning, absolutly cracking they are can't wait to get out lamping next season with it thanks alot mate tony
  3. me and the boys will be going won't be taking me dog as she's laid up at the mo but still gona go for the banter, and i like to see what dogs everbodys got see you there
  4. i'll be well up for that mate, and i think a few of me mates would come along along aswell i'll keep an eye on the site for more info hope theres plenty tony
  5. hey mate i would love two of those hats for me and me mate, could you pm me your paypal details and i'll get our lass to get the payment sent straight away thanks tony
  6. cracking looking pup you've got there mate hope she does well for you
  7. ten stiches, and a drain thing cause they said there'd be exces liquid and £302, gutted
  8. just had an absolutle nightmare today, was out for a mooch this morning and my dog went to jump an old five bar gate she jumps everyday but falmer palmer had just put a string of barbed wire about 6 inches above it and what do you know she got strung up on it you could see [bANNED TEXT] into her inside leg went to the vets to get her sorted and started geting asked what her old scars were off and geting THAT LOOK the arsehole was meant to be going out for 1 last night on the lamp tomorrow but thats been knocked on the head so it looks like it'll just be me out with my snips to sort out
  9. aye mate, got the same problem up here where i live last year it was chocker with rabbits but now i see more roe's than i do rabbits, which is a bit of a ball ache because i've only got a beddyxwhippet and roe are a bit to big for her don't get me wrong she still gives 100% on them but it's hard work for a dog her size
  10. here mate i seen the lad who won the bull cross class at the murton show being very freindly with the judge on sunday are you sure you don't know him?
  11. got a quality working lakeland terrier, good looker and proven sire, £100 per mating and thats for two ties, it's the red dog in the picture
  12. ha ha ha love it, don't forget the hard man walk
  13. i prefer later, once farmer palmer has gone to bed
  14. hey there bruny she's a beddy/whippet x beddy/greyhound and stands at 21inch to the shoulder i'll post a few more pics of her once i get the hang of it
  15. crackin pair of dogs you've got there mate the brown one's a belta
  16. got my beddy x whippet jumping fences by lying my full arm over the top and gave her plenty of encouragment, she now jumps anything thats in her way
  17. alreet lads, just new to this site, been meaning to get on for a long time now and eventually pulled me finger out. i've got a little beddyxwhippet bitch which i do a bit lamping and moochin with, also got a young beagle dog, will try and post some pics soon happy hunting tallyboy
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