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Everything posted by comanche

  1. Think i've seen your cards mate.Spec we'll catch up if we hav'nt already without knowing.
  2. Hello.I'm in Horsham-the town with the fountain that looks like a papier -mache hamburger(that's if you are being polite).Twas a jolly fine year for wapses+ I'm sorry to say hornicles.Ever there was an insect deserved a better press it's the hornet .Not so nice in the wrong place of course.Now we know" Jaspers" is a Sussex +Hampshire thing.Come to think of it ,i had a pal from Southsea,Gaites his name,used to write about stuffing in the old Shooting News.He knew about "Jaspers" but I think he'd lived in Sussex as a child.
  3. Another advantage of coloured nylon is that your fellow ferreters can't get away with "accidently"popping one of your nets into their own collection . I was going to make some pink ones thinking that nobody would even want to steal em....Then it hit me that I might be missing a money-making oppertunity.There are a lot of lady ferreters out there.....And I'm only 30 miles from Brighton!
  4. Just before Christmas had 2 calls for same thing .Customers had gone to get decorations down from loft+ found dopey wasps.Both nests were 99.9% dead but a few wasps were creeping out of the pupation cells and half a dozen were droning about the rafters.They were so sleepy I just put on gloves + squashed the nests into sacks(one nest filled two bin bags so I was quite relieved it was past its "best by" date!).Late developers?,affects of central heating?,pupation process slowed but not totally prevented due to temperature levels in the loft?... Dunno. I've come across it occasionally so when
  5. Hello.Good advice,as already mentioned,if in doubt work out cost of vehicle ,traps/equipment,maintainance+replacement,adverts,consumables (ie chemicals, latex gloves),insurance(vital) as a starting point.Don't kid yourself, these add up! Price your labour at a fair rate.If after a few weeks your mate on the T**co checkout starts to envy your lifestyle you're not far wrong. When trapping locally I take a traditional approach of "No catch no fee".If a customer insists I travel a long way ,wants me to "have a go anyway"or install a trap system to monitor or prevent infestation rather than de
  6. HELLO.Bridport Nets sold me good quality,well -priced spools of coloured spun-nylon that I could'nt fault,Very fair/quick.G. postage.They do green ,yellow,black +red(possibly others)I've started colour coding my nets ,ie orange for3ft,yellow for 4ft etc.Makes it easier matching the net to the hole.Hope this helps.Good luck.
  7. Hello .New to computers and forums but step -daughter insists I MUST learn.Hunting site seems just the thing to keep me motivated but please excuse any mistakes. I'm W Sussex based.Sarted fishin with Dad at 4 ,ferrets ,air rifles etc in early teens(Not easy digging to a lay-up in glam-rock gear).Am pest controller now,came at it from a Game-Keeping background so tend towards traditional trapping for squirrels,moles,minketc.Rats/ mice/wasps etc get the chemical treatment.Have trapping policy of no catch/no fee .Keeps me on me toes. Do some paid rabbiting( ie garden jobs where the catch won't
  8. Hello.Sent my Mk3 back thinking it defective because of the stupid noise and the inaccurate depth display.(I know packaging says "only a guide/varies with conditions", etc. but 50% to 100%over-estimation of depth is taking the Mick).Can't fault Deben's service but they insisted nothing was wrong and I promised to persevere with the device.That was 18 months ago.With a full season behind me I wrote to Deben with my honest opinion .They assured me of recent improvements and actually swapped my unit for a spanking new MK3just before the current ferreting season.Well...Full marks to Deben for the
  9. Hello.I'm new to computers and forums so please bear with me!Bought my grey box locator(now known asMK1)second hand well over20 years ago.Used it hard,one collar died,one believedpinched .Like a wally I bought a complete mk3 set in 2006. Soon realised that I only needed to buy a collar as my old grey box works great with the mk3 necklaces! Reckon the mk3 is distracting ,requiring too much user input.Count the features;on/off switch,search mode/locate mode switch,flashing depth indicators and ....the volume control knob.This brings me onto the subject of noise---think 1968 Star Trek,think Haw
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