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Everything posted by comanche

  1. Getting legit hunting permission is pretty much the same over here. It's either through knowing the right people or earning trust. Fishing floats over here are a pretty varied lot. They range from the cigar sized bobbers you describe - used for sea and pike fishing- down to tiny things no bigger than a cocktail stick - for delicate biting fish. In between these extremes there are some weird and wonderful designs with equally weird names. I grabbed a handful of reels for a photo shoot .The two on the left would be known as "multiplier reels" ,though small ones as in the photo are
  2. I'm well out of date and you and Mack are right ! l just looked up coyote pelt prices. Lucky to get a couple of dollars for them! Nothing dog caught accepted.
  3. From watching some old ciné footage I think the idea is not to smash them. Just pin them or bay them until the handler moves -in. Saves pelt damage. Yes IWW , It did look a bit like coursing for the sake of it rather than hunting . Though to be fair I wonder if the guy hadn't been so busy controlling his drone for the sake of a video he would've been out to help the dogs.
  4. A couple of gardeners l know have them. No messing about with pull starts and petrol mix just to nip off a couple of little branches. They get in places a bow saw or loppers won't fit . A big plus is that like the rest of their battery powered kit ,it gets charged on the customer's electricity Being such a short chain and bar l would guess it does get some concentrated wear so keeping the cutters sharp is pretty important.
  5. I reckon if He ever wrote a book it would read like an amalgamation of Withnail and l , something by Crowley, Gerald Durrel , DB Plummer, Bateman's trapping book , The Snowdonia Taxidermy catalogue and Lock Stock . Plus sections about sabotaging the Sabs, introducing a mate as his long lost brother to some heavy looking guys without actually warning the mate of the role he was supposed to be playing, so much more ; including some good maggot stories..... And that ain't the half of it . No exaggeration or writers' licence needed .
  6. Mine demolished a garden pergola. A foolish ex girlfriend tied her to a brick upright while she went into her friend's house for a natter. Now had she told the old bitch to lay down and stay she would happily have settled and probably fallen asleep. Unfortunately the ex omitted these vital instructions so Ez decided that in the absence of orders and as nobody had actually told her not to kill a pergola it was therefore perfectly acceptable to do so .
  7. If he said he would finish it. Then he will have finished it .
  8. Or in DS's case his internet "ramblings " are but shadows of the reality . Believe me!
  9. Ther is a campaign for support to introduce them into Sussex and Kent . Can't really get this obsession with releasing predators into a countryside with a diminishing population of native potential prey animals and birds. Oh yes l can..... Let's face it if you want public donations and government grants for a pet wildlife project use a cute predator as poster boy; on most days a crate of pine martens will trump a hundred boxes of pygmy shrews. Apparently "viability studies are in progress and it is hoped that they will play a role in the control of grey squirrels"
  10. I think Charts that there are already a couple of Spring and Summer counts by other organisations and there are slightly involved rules about what to count and what not to include . The RSPB Winter one is a lot simpler . Just stare through the window for an hour and count what you see. I suppose too , birds are easier to count when the leaves are off the trees and ground cover dormant and females aren't tucked up on a nest. It probably has a use in monitoring birds when the population is at its lowest and might help estimate potential breeding pairs. Basically its bird
  11. I remember when l was a Keeper we were told to look out for dead rabbits in odd circumstances. Sure enough we found a few corpses that caught the attention as being a bit odd ;unmarked rabbits leaning against logs, some on their sides, others sitting like they were still alive ! Without much thought the unexplained deaths were casually reported to the Boss and we got on with our work. This was just prior to the initial recognition of VHD , the "first" version . Though l think we called it Viral hemorrhagic pneumonia at the time. There were all sorts of theories and sp
  12. Very true..rabbits can stand very cold weather as long they have food. They don't do well in lengthy cold wet conditions. The stress of constant chills and discomfort triggers a weakened immunity to coccidiosis and other diseases. By the winter of 2010/11 I had been lucky to have spent several Seasons ferreting by kind invitation of another Hunting Life member on some very good permission . That winter we had ferrets lay-up on skinny frozen corpses . It was a similar story in my own area. Back when dinosaurs ruled the Earth and l first started ferreting local
  13. My belief ,based on a little bit of inside information is that the massive rabbit numbers of about 13 years ago crashed due to the cold winter of 2010/11 combined with a sowing of a certain strain of VHD. And due to the very short lived immunity to the disease that is conferred on the survivors of the disease and their offspring , young rabbits are lucky to live long enough to produce a single litter before expiring. Hence the population in affected areas isn't strong enough to negate the effects of other diseases ,hunting, predators and bad weather.
  14. Saying "Squeak Piggy" and "Sure has a Pretty mouth." Just gets blank looks from people these days . Deliverence was a one of a kind film for sure . Burt Reynolds claimed that it was filmed in running sequence in case any of the actors were killed doing their own stunts and they had to change the script. Am l the only one that noticed that one scene featured a Ford Anglia !
  15. Oops, pressed submit before l meant to. Neither of us dared to look round to see what was there. The conversation went something like "You look. " "No you look." "Fxck off." "No you fxck off. I'm driving." So we sat staring straight ahead as the car passed through the next village and the next. All the time the stench grew more overbearing. My hands were sweating on the wheel and my girlfriend was sobbing and shaking. Then as quick as we hit the lights of our home town the thing was gone . It was like something had been lifted from us . We went fro
  16. I was driving along a country road late at night in my first car ,a ratty 1963 Humber Sceptre, after an evening out with my girlfriend . Even though it was 1979 l can still recall what happened all too clearly. We were on a section of dark road between two villages .Just before the brow of the hill that would take us down to the next village what l can only describe as a dark mass ,a bit shapeless but recognisably a figure appeared in the gutter . The bit of road was fairly straight and the verge wide and level . I wasn't going very fast and the headlights would've picked-u
  17. My Granddaughter gave me one for Christmas. She found it in a charity shop! As to the defaced roadsign; well surely the Highways dept would've had it down in a couple of days anyway .
  18. The ghost hunting TV shows are dead naff. I've had some experiences that have me believing in what l think are actually not "super natural" but a part of nature that we don't really usually relate to . I had one which at the time was terrifying but the others were quite calm experiences , almost matter of fact. Here's just one story .It's no big deal if l'm not believed . It's the time of year for ghost stories anyway So l was working in a pheasant farm, feeding poults in a rearing shed. Down the aisle comes an old chap that l knew as a customer who had ordered a co
  19. Well l guess you either put up with the dog dropping rabbits out of reach , not giving up its catch at all or in this case eating the bunny! Or you put a bit of work in and either polish up any natural retrieving tendency or teach or re teach it from scratch . I'm not an expert but l have owned a dog that pretty much ate the first rabbit it caught . It wasn't being willful it was just exercising an element of it's upbringing l had overlooked in training. The guy who bred the litter hadn't had many takers for the pups so the pup was quite well grown when l got her. The litter
  20. Before getting into quick fixes or witchcraft the obvious things to try are practicing recall and retrieving with fur . Don't settle for scrappy retrieves where the dog drops the item at your feet or does the circling or hanging-back "play with me" thing A dog that gets away with junky retrieves in the sitting room or garden is likely to be even worse in a field. Once you have the dog retrieving inedible objects move onto a fur dummy . Then try a dead squirrel as a dummy. They are the perfect size and balance . Then the big day when you bring out the dead bunny dumm
  21. I relented and googled . The figure of 50,000+ thousand redundant galgos being strangled etc looks a bit questionable. Most of them are simply neglected, often to death, or dumped. Which is pretty bad of course. The really unfortunate ones belong to superstitious owners who believe that giving their dog a horrid ,slow death somehow passes some sort of power to its replacement for the coming Season. A bit like some Native American tribes who believed that a captive who endured lengthy torture before death brought good luck. It's hard to believe that the gamblers and owners who v
  22. I texted my Grand daughter earlier after reading bits of this thread. She volunteers at a local sight hound rescue and rehoming organisation. She spoke to the woman that runs it and the story l got back ,via text so not too in depth , is that galgos are generally treated like our racing greyhounds. The youngsters get tried out for a Season or so on the coursing grounds and just like our racing greyhounds ,they get retired very quickly . Betting is big business and the dogs are just expendable pawns to be replaced every Season. Euthanasing them in such odd ways se
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