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Everything posted by comanche

  1. I had a friend the army but he was unmarried and came home to his parents when on leave . They looked after his dog and ferrets. In the past , overseas military coursing clubs were common . But that was in days when Officers had time to sit on the veranda sipping mint julips and potting passing tigers or Mau Mau insurgents . Bit different today .
  2. I reckon the allotment committee might do well to "mention " the missed boxes to the pest controller, or his bosses .Sounds like the chap is skimping. Possibly looking for excuses for his lack of success even. The Commitee should have a copy of a risk assessment , method of control and site survey from the pest controller. It might be worth asking for them to make sure it us up to date and adhered to . Especially as rules on baiting open areas away from buildings have recently become very strict . It's common for pro pest controllers to infer the public shouldn't have access to rat ba
  3. Well the colour varies from manufacturer to manufacturer blue ,red, purple etc is just a warning that indicates a poison but not the specific type of poison . Using different active ingredients on the same site is wrong because the rats are eating an unapproved formulae , ie a cocktail of two approved chemicals which combined create an unapproved formulation. Also the risks of creating a resistance or aversion to both poisons are combined. Sticking to one active ingredient in one presentation method ( for instance block or grain or pasta) means that there are option
  4. Part of one of my Oxford Down x Hampshire hoggets about go in the oven . Then a bit later....
  5. http://www.ayrshirehistory.org.uk/Shorts/otter.htm Rickshaw l expect you have read this already . If not it might be of interest . Though I hope you don't aspire to emulate Mr Gallon to the extent of drowning on the job ! You have picked great names , far more upmarket than some of the tongue in cheek suggestions . All the best.
  6. Sadly reached his sell by date a month ago but my last lurcher was called Murkyn ; pronounced "merkin" as in the Old English word . Most people just thought it a weird name for a dog . Those that knew struggled to hide their giggles. . Jackie Drakeford laughed so much l thought she was going to explode !
  7. Pity you don't want human names. George would be great name for a brown terrier and is very English. It also means "digger in soil". And Digger is a very common traditional name for a terrier. A friend had a terrier called Todger (see an online dictionary); in polite company he pronounced it Badger . Not a bad name for a terrier in itself. If you're considering Shite hawk how about Dickhead ,maybe Wanker( a good old term of British endearment, ahem) ,though they would carry certain risks. Imagine you are shouting the dog's name in public and some big bloke takes offence!
  8. My Grandad on my Dad's side fought in WW1 . My Mum's Dad was very religious and knowing he couldn't shoot at anyone ,he joined the London Fire Brigade at the start of WW2 . He served as a Leading Fireman during the Blitz . Neither ever spoke of their experiences until they fell to chatting one Christmas in the early 1970s . Not even my Dad knew of the huge scar on his Father's leg; the result of a shell hitting his horse . He survived having three horses killed under him . I inherited some of his memorabilia and looking through it realised that he was mentioned in dispatches mo
  9. After watching my daughter sell her knackered old BMW on Marketplace l had her sell my even more knackered Jimny . The advert was honest and left no illusion to it being anything but totally trashed . " You can't put it up for that much." I protested . "Trust me Father l sell on here all the time." She has Marketplace sussed ; doesn't get flustered by the idiots and no-shows , asks high and never drops lower than what she wanted in the first place . Within 20 minutes of her posting on FB my Jimny on the site someone was on the way to see it. Of course they knoc
  10. l knew l should've left the word pigeons out of the title.
  11. Efforts to convert an old parlour for milking goats were thwarted by a hardcore group of feral pigeons who refused to leave . The owner had tried chasing them out but they simply hid in the rafters. Time for the final solution . Climbing into the loft over the parlour put me on the same level as the pigeons. The little T200 was ideal in such cramped conditions. Even so it took a while to account for nine of the miscreants as they were aware of every nook and cranny . It didn't help that l was wearing a dust mask which made my glasses periodically steam up I was just mentall
  12. The problem is not just the people who think that owning these retarded psycho dogs makes them look hard . One of my blooming customers , a millionaire with an unrealistically soft heart rescued two(two!) of the things from a rehoming centre . One was clearly not the gentle family pet the cunning bxstards at the dogs' home had described it as . The other seemed OK at first. As the dogs had been collected the day before the deadline for transferring the things the obvious psycho one couldn't be returned . The owner threw money at the problem and employed a trainer.
  13. One thing is that they are obviously copies of the rat version yet are being advertised for squirrels. One version goes by the name Black Bison but there are a few others at half the BB price.
  14. Yeh . One of my customers is in the garden machinery business . Out of interest he once showed a Stihl chainsaw to a Chinese gentleman at a trade fair . After making a phone call the Chinaman announced that with a minimum order of one pallet he could supply copies of the saw for £38 each including shipping! I wonder how the Goodnature copycats fit with Ebay's rules on fake goods. I suppose if they do get banned from the Bay of Temptation there are plenty of other selling sites.
  15. Has anyone noticed the number of cheap copies of the Goodnature trap that have started appearing? Some are even being advertised as "Goodnature" despite having only tell- tail Chinese writing on them .
  16. Tony l'm sorry. It's horrid when they go . My old lad reached his sell by date three weeks ago at 15 . More like a reliable ,ever present friend than just a dog . We had fun and l think he had a good life. That makes it easier but the buggers do leave gap when they go .
  17. After seeing nothing but out of season does or unshootable bucks l had started to think of the three cartridges l had been carrying on my last few outings as old friends . Then yesterday evening just as the light was failing and mist was rising l managed to say goodbye to one of them . Sneaking along a hedge brought me up to a fallow buck . He was standing apart from his does angled slightly towards me . At 75 yards and with a fence post to rest on it wasn't a testing shot and a neck shot sunk him without a twitch. He was a lot bigger than l thought. "No matte
  18. Pine Martens will actually be a block to effective grey squirrel control . Where greys exist methods for their control will need to be tailored so as to reduce the likelihood of nailing a protected marten . Some proven methods of squirrel control may have to be abandoned . Even if pine martens really did exist historically in some of the places they are to be, or have been, released ; today's is a different landscape . It's been proved that campaigns by properly determined human agency against grey's are effective . Throwing a wild card like a bunch of pine martens at the prob
  19. Could it not indicate the reds were avoiding the grey squirrels as well as the pine martens ?
  20. Possibly not as old as l thought. The action looks like an AYA model 107 . Though l don't know if they made a straight stock version. Hope this helps a bit.
  21. Def not a no4 , they are ejectors. Or a no 3 . Nor a Yeoman. With the side scallops on the action and cross bolt It actually looks more like one of the generic sbs still being knocked out by lesser Spanish makes well after AYA had gone for more modern designs . Maybe an early Aya that's been cleaned up well ? The knocks and screw in the stock show it's seen a bit of life .The proof Mark's look old and should help date it . That that might not help indicated a model name though . Old guns were often sold without model names just as AYAs or BSAs etc
  22. It helps that they are usually free! Fill a sack(or more) if you can
  23. This is the time of year for windfall apples. Used whole , crushed or fermenting in bucket of water hung from a tree , they'll attract roe and a lot of other animals to your trail cam. As for covering your scent ,lay off the Hai Karate , stay downwind against a backdrop and don't flinch. Even if they sense you , curiosity will even sometimes cause them to walk closer to investigate . A remote shutter activator will keep your movement to a minimum. I bet most people with trail cams have pictures of deer noses where the animal has been intrigued by the camera and come closer
  24. A better way to find out if rats are about is to use your eyes . Runs , damaged items . poo, and footprints are not hard to spot . Do a proper recce . Setting a trap randomly is not a great idea . I'm picturing the unlikely event of a particularly stupid rodent , a youngster with ADH or an oldy with dementia perhaps, challenging a horde of peanut butter crazed slugs for possession of the treadle. Yippee", you cry " l have rats ," and grab a gun. Maybe you do ..... But you shouldn't need a trap to to know that .
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