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john debbage

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Everything posted by john debbage

  1. try off road armory they sell good one and it depends on what ground your ancouring for it to work at its best.........
  2. wont be running mine till its a year old..........its 8 months now and still very immature........
  3. musnt be fit then mark lol lol lol lol.............
  4. giro that bebo thing on ya singiture is a topper.........a can listen to some good tunes while on here.........
  5. thats right feck them all........good on you for staying mark........
  6. 20 mins left will he stay or will he go.........
  7. nighthawk hawkman looks the same...........or it might just be me acting numb.........
  8. will he stay or will he go..............
  9. alreet snez welcome to the site......................
  10. well siad mark..........why are you jacking it in over a few tits on here...........
  11. 18 weeks old that would make your dog four and half months old do you not think thats a bit young or did you mean 18months.......well done anyway..
  12. lamping has got be my favorite tryed a bit day time didnt realy enjoy it................think its because you get and see more game at night........LAMPING HARES WRONG I THINK NOT...........
  13. one more thing chavvy................... jacker muther f****r....................
  14. stop arguing it you thats getting up this morning come on here posting and sending me pms...............ave said al come and meet ya................big man..............
  15. some dogs no what there doing with there qaury so they dont get marked as much..............
  16. nice big dog there....... that fox has got some size bush.....
  17. how would plenty of people know what you would do to me when none of them even no me............and joe a school yard bully he does sound like one of them that cause a load of shit then end up getting booted all over the yard...........saying i talk shit look at your own posts........jacker.......
  18. well you now what they say the truth hurts some times...........
  19. saying youll do this do that meet up at get it done jacker................
  20. been on here before wierd isnt it........i think i can read that better than normal writing......
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