cheers for your replys,no FV dont get many where i run , ive had my eye on that 1 for a few months now ps snoop ive put it back in its hutch after the pic so theyll think its died in its sleep
just about finished for this season, had a shine last night with a mate an managed these 5 ,the longears was shot an retrieved an i know its a bit late now to be taking em but had 1 on order for the pot
3 weeks ago whilst on holiday my lurcher storm nailed a few rats ( 41 during the week) i obviously kept the bites clean with salt water an diluted TCP well all of a sudden hes got this on his lip ,it doesnt appear sore or bothering him so if anyones got any advice what to put on it it will be much appreciated dont waant to get ripped off at vets unless i have to
ps theres no puss in it at all