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Everything posted by towzer

  1. Thankyou for the replys folks has anyone had any experience of Autarky?
  2. im wanting to change my complete food i give my 12 months old lurcher, at the moment both my dogs are on supadog with different things added everyday , e.g fish, meat , tomatoes, alternated. the problem is my 4 year old lurcher does really well on this diet he looks really well an thrives on it, an his stools are perfectly solid everytime, whereas my young dogs always seems to be loose an sloppy and i find it hard to get an keep any weight on him . im after trying another complete biscuit so has anyone got any recomendations please, cheers in advance. i know im gonna get preached about giving
  3. Sarah i had storms taken off last year, had it done at my local greyhound track by the track vet,she charged me 90 quid an he was put to sleep for the op, back out working again within 6 weeks no problems since
  4. wilko do me a favour an f**k OFF you PRICK !!!!
  5. cheers Aaron , no im staying in a farmhouse in the north yorks moors, the wife an kids are wi me mate , but just fancied a legitimate night out on the lamp ill take your warning on board mate
  6. from next saturday 14th ill be holidaying in the scarborough area for a fortnight,an was wondering if anyone fancied a night out on the lamp as i will have the dogs with me. im basically asking for an invite to have a run out on the lamp and have a good craic cheers in advance Towzer
  7. You only get what you pay for mate. load of bollox mate
  8. biggest load of shite ive heard this year
  9. that red dog is a belter
  10. i was definately gonna enter if there was 1 next season,but it seems to be turning into a farce
  11. cracking bag for an hours lamping mally bitch looks well mate
  12. molly i think it should be poor storm as he was at the bottom of the bed and its him whos a bit sore an stiff this morning next time colin put the light on
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