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Everything posted by towzer

  1. towzer


    ditch are you saying that dry fed dogs are more likely to die riddled with cancer?
  2. all the very best with the pup JD
  3. towzer

    Pet Insurance

    marks and spencer do a good one a bit more of a premium but no excess to find
  4. she really is stunning frank really love her colour mate ,all the best with her
  5. cheers marco it wasnt the 1 i was aiming at thats a joke before somebody slags me down
  6. how deep is the cut mate? my dog sliced his pad just before xmas and had to be put under and 8 staples put in to hold it together ,hes just getting back to what he was before (fitness wise) hopefully your dogs not as deep , best of luck with him mate
  7. cheers lads irish lurcher, hes saluki greyhound x whippetxbitsa just coming up to 2 years old
  8. had an hour out on the lamp friday night with a couple of mates and 3 dogs, didnt really see much but each dog caught a rabbit on there only slip and after i shot an hare sent my dog to retrieve it and he brought it back well, really pleased with my dogs fitness levels now after a month out injured
  9. well done mate , listened to the lads advice :thumbs-up: theres always another night
  10. well done mark nice team youve got there mate
  11. spot on snoopdog thats exactly to the word how i was taught mate
  12. happy birthday ds, cant you get on the bus with your new bus pass
  13. yeah molly its a long way home with just your wet long johns on :kiss:
  14. cheers snoopdog ,its my beatles look :whistle: his dads a saluki grey and the mother was a bitza lurcher with whippet thrown in
  15. went upto woodgas last night for a shine on the bunnies.when we got there it was driving rain with hail thrown in there was a total of 5 dogs in attendance and we all split up . after about 3 hours the end total was 29 with my dog storm bagging 9 would have been 11 if he hadnt have felt sorry for 2 on the retrieve and let them go well pleased with him cos its his first outing after a months layoff and his fitness isnt there yet. cheers colin for having us up mate really enjoyed it
  16. really good and interesting post hornhunter im going to try an snare 1 or 2 beaver this christmas :kiss:
  17. just finished reading running dog addiction and really enjoyed it now im trying to get hold of extreme lurcherwork so if anyones selling it please pm me
  18. would you reccomend tuff foot from the greyhound megastore? duckwing
  19. towzer


    can anybody recomend a decent pair of pocket binoculars for a xmas present, how much roughly and where to get them from towzer
  20. last monday evening while out exercising my dog storm he somehow sliced through his pad on his front left foot had him to the vets tuesday morn an they put him under and put 8 staples in it and a dressing, been back yesterday for the dressing changing and the vet was pleased with how its healing my question is once he has the staples out and the dressing off how long before i can build his fitness back up and get him back out in the field?
  21. towzer


    put his address up for us all to see socks
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