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Everything posted by BenBhoy

  1. That limits your options a bit. New pard, pard 008 (P & S), yukon n470s are all around 6 x base.
  2. The other thing to think about is the different base magnification that each unit works at. Digital zoom deteriorates the image quality quite quick, so you need to be realistic about the distance you'll be using at & what your eyesight is like!!
  3. Nothing cheap these days mate, apart from talk.
  4. Yeah 100%. You'll need a pic rail to mount.
  5. This forum is playing up on my phone! I know SL uses the ultra & rates it. Although c50s, alpex & ds35 are are all the current best, SD says on tight budget, I feel you there mate! Plenty of pard008s coming up now. And the wraith HD which loads on here use (even stav!) are still good with decent ir torch.
  6. If its purely for the NV mate then worth bearing in mind that 4k is only viable during daylight, at night it will revert back to HD. I know @shovel leaner
  7. Pard DS35 70 LRF Night Vision Scope - Blackwood Outdoors WWW.BLACKWOODOUTDOORS.CO.UK The Pard DS35 70RF night vision scope features a new tube design to assist mounting, with... Think Ian means this one mate
  8. In fairness Glen, it might not have been a low bird, just that you're further up in the air than most!!
  9. Crying shame if he doesn't, that'd grace any countrymans home.
  10. Wow thats a beauty is he getting it stuffed?
  11. You can take the boy out of Wales, but you can't take Wales out of the boy ??
  12. I've been in Nottinghamshire too long - even I call it a cob these days
  13. https://www.nottinghampost.com/news/nottingham-news/shotgun-ammunition-found-shed-nottinghamshire-8015614.amp
  14. Dunno, it was a screen shot from Facebook but I ain't on Facebook, Mrs sent it to me.
  15. I know you're local(ish) to me mate - hear about this? It's the bit abkut the "force being committed to taking firearms far away from communities' that I don't like.
  16. That's nice, i knew youd bite ...not sure what I did to deserve that quote. Unless you assumed I meant you are the loud mouth troll (paranoia??) It's not always about you, ya know Dim... Have a nice day.
  17. Something we agree on for once. Because nobody wants to hear from a big gob troll who thinks that shouting loudest always makes them right.
  18. Im just revelling in the fact there's been a ding dong & it was fucķ all to do with me! More importantly- stav, did doris su?rvive??
  19. I used them orange shearwell jackets one year when lambing outside in February. Lot of it depends on the breed (some continental breeds like charollais have very little birth coat) but more to do with clever marketing! If ewe has decent colostrum, lambs get early bellyfull then they can withstand a lot. The cold isn't usually an issue but real young uns don't appreciate persistent pissinģ down.
  20. Brought them all inside now, countdown to lambing & still got far too much to do!! Every fucƙing year Ben, every year!! ??
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