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Everything posted by BenBhoy

  1. I'm sorely tempted to look at fac air for taking things out of trees. What sort of range can you accurately be dev? How many shots per refill?
  2. So sorry for you big Jim, thinking of you. There are no words, but don't fight grieving, its natural. And in time you'll remember the good times, the smiles & memories. God bless mate.
  3. Excellent write up as per Sir I've asked the missus for the Ianm book for Christmas, "memoirs & pi§s takes in my Jimny". I'll leave her scouring the Internet another couple of days!! ?
  4. Was she watching you put a smile on mrs face???
  5. Ahh yes, when a fat man sneaks into kids bedrooms & empties his sack all over the floor. Good times.
  6. Meece you should be able to relate to that type of crow at least!!
  7. Zoom in; everyone i can positively ID is a crow. None have the distinctive beak of a rook & all look bigger & more uniform colour & stronger beak than jackdaw. Don't just believe what it says on rspb website, we've all seen groups of crows come on ffs
  8. How many decoys did you have out mate? On stubble?
  9. Mate I'm a disappointing anti climax whatever the year!!
  10. Aye try telling my missus that!! Its Stavross i really feel sorry for though; I know meeting me & seeing how to really shoot a shotgun was gonna be his 2020 highlight!! ?
  11. Instead I've been hedge cutting most of the day!! ??
  12. Yeah mate, that's why I'd booked weekend off. Gutted. Make us appreciate it all the more when we can all get back to normal though.
  13. To be fair stav I'm on my arse beer in hand too. Feels like it's been one of them 9 day weeks! But I've a weekend off!!! Looooooooong overdue.
  14. Contrary to what Hollywood will have you believe, being a §hit shovelling shepherd isn't all glamour!
  15. Aye I had 5 wigeon flying over me at 6 this morning, just heard them & I was trying to strain my neck to see where they went!
  16. Giving you the run around & causing bother; should have guessed it'd be a female!
  17. Foxtrot, brilliant wish I'd thought of that now! ?
  18. Not surprised after run around she give me! I set up in first field, we park the bale carts in there & I like shooting off them prone. Set gc350 up about 50yds to my right. Within 10 minutes spot vixen enter to my left 200+yds. Making steady progress towards call, stops for a wizz then keeps trotting. All of a sudden something spook her, didn't even freeze to think, just turn tail & legged it! No idea. Wind not changed, I made no sound & she never looked towards me. Annoying. Gave it another 20 minutes or so then move towards field she ran off too. This field is a old r
  19. Go for it mate. In two hours time you'll be bored, she'll be asleep & you'll be kicking yourself for not being out having quality man time. Edit; that last bit sounds wrong!!
  20. That's the exact reason I'm off out the door right now!
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