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Everything posted by BenBhoy

  1. Appreciate the honesty mate, by no means is anyone perfect, just saying my opinion (as always! ?)
  2. Definitely not looking for a reaction but I say what I think, and personally i would not have pulled that trigger at eyes. I get it that if fox had pushed further that'd be annoying, but damn better than shooting at eyes that turned out to be a ewe, someone's dog or , (heaven forbid) someone who'd ducked under hedge to hide.
  3. Good video mate. What are you using on the rats & feral?
  4. Above all be honest on your application. If you've ever been naughty (i notice your from Liverpool!!!) then put it down on form. They'll only find out anyway & then it looks like you tried to hide/lie about it. Good luck.
  5. Jimmy, thinking of you today mate. There's a time to be strong but also a time to let it all out, lay your heart out. You two clearly had a very strong relationship, that's the best memory to cherish. I know what you mean about father daughter bond, my girl is my life. And my son is called Jimmy! Take care of yourself too mate, don't forget how important you will be to your family now, they need to fit & healthy.
  6. Cheers mate, you're second person to say similar so I'll give NV store a dodge, thanks.
  7. Well genuine offer mate, if ever you fancy a look. ?
  8. If you fancy a trip down A50 you're welcome to come have a night out with me & my 008lrf Sausage
  9. Honestly Bernard, I strongly suggest 008. I know its £££ but you won't look back. Small, light, works day & night, simple to zero.
  10. https://www.nightvisionstore.co.uk/black-sun-dark-engine-covert-ir-illuminator-c2x28497639
  11. Sorry mate I was on about 008 ive not used 007. But 008 works grand day & night.
  12. They're nob on in daylight mate, even with your old peepers!
  13. I think both of those factors will cause an issue mate. Every review I've seen says you need parallax adjustable.
  14. Cheers for replying guys, think I'll just get buddy bottle filled up.
  15. Yeah that is a potential but then I'll end up here again, maintain the dive bottle etc. Just think co2 be easier for occasional use.
  16. Go easy on me, I don't often venture onto this section!! Thinking of getting a CO2 air rifle, have lot of rats coming into cattle shed this week. I have a pcp I never use because its never filled up. The idea of the little co2 cans appeal to me, but are they much good? Literally just talking 15-20 you rats in a big shed, that's it. Can anyone recommend one? Cheers
  17. That was pure rumour!! She jumped backwards & legs just slipped inside them...
  18. Doing it all wrong shearing first though; what they gonna grip hold of now ??
  19. Trouble is, it really isn't that common these days
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