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Everything posted by BenBhoy

  1. Hehe ? sure I can't imagine why you were dazed & confused! I can't talk mate, when I was 17 I thought I was Kurt cobain reincarnated; long hair, pierced lip, ripped jeans & i was even lead singer in the greatest punk-grunge band to perform in betws y coed!!
  2. Floods here too, absolutely sodden. Make more mess than it worth taking hay on back of trailer in field so I'm handballing small bales instead ?
  3. So getting the .223 wasn't the start of chavness!!
  4. Yep noticed lot of that, I said to one randy bugger "behave, its December!"
  5. I think that is a key part of it, and I don't have an answer as to why but you see it time and again that people who shoot want to introduce it to the lives of youngsters. I guess its because we simply know the good it feeds our souls on so many levels. The joys of success, importance of self belief with dignity. The chance to really learn how our countryside works & how each species interacts with the other. I think you can learn lessons that see you through life by being a shooter (driven, rough, pigeon, fox, wildfowl). And that is why I want my daughter to follow me & I'm also
  6. He whacked it over head with that giant phone!
  7. Well done to both of you, top shooting young man & best grandad award to Ian. Seriously mate, its refreshing to see/hear.
  8. Reynard lurcher that one! Have the longdog boys asking you what fraction of each breed goes into it!!
  9. Well done that man. Was he clutching his pillow tight???
  10. We talking about the trucks or foxes??? ?
  11. I think its OK to take the odd one so long as proper work is done rest of the year to help them out. With backing from my gaffer, I've taken on personal challenge of boosting our wild greys. Counted winter covey of 9 last week, thats the most seen in last 20 years here. But have to admit I prefer to see them fly on not shot at.
  12. They take it in turns bumming each other! When I first started there, I saw them at it & commented to old man if they leave eggs on them see if they hatch "you'll be fecking waiting a while shag"!
  13. We have two lesbian yard geese at work. Our kelpie will take on a 90kg tup but he goes the long way past them two miserable sods!!
  14. Everything will sell if the price is right. They didn't cost him anything so he's in profit whatever the price!
  15. Absolutely zero shooting for me recently & foreseeable; busiest time of year for myself start lambing in few weeks, bringing ewes inside yesterday, bloody lovely view for a welshman!!
  16. Think dave was talking tongue in cheek saying that's how a lot of folk are gonna be getting on, not direct quoting you baldy
  17. You can count on us for a waffle of shité
  18. Spot on dave, like it really folded some of them; tight chokes?
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