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Everything posted by BenBhoy

  1. You seem to think that chucking that phrase about is the biggest insult going, when the irony is you're just confirming what a nob you are with every word you utter.
  2. So instead you stood by and watched your mate fluff his lines again?? I don't get out as often as you, that's a given. I'm working about 60hrs a week at minute. Any free time I spend with my kids while they still wanna spend time with their daddy. And then I squeeze in some foxing between all that. But if the alternative was being so arrogant that I couldn't accept any criticism & realise I'm making myself sound like even more of a prick than ever before (and there's been plenty of examples already!) then I'd rather never go out again.
  3. So the two foxes being dead was the most important issue, since you eventually achieved that, that's a positive night for you? Just let me check this - one fox shot and injured then lost. Some time later its shot again, injured again & only found hours later after trying to drag itself down a rabbit hole. Second fox shot with a rimfire, injured and lost...lost all night with a wound from a 22lr....a 22lr! Found the following day having died in the night from its injury. Those are the facts?? Please highlight the fuckińg positives in that, you muppet????
  4. Why didn't you have a go? Rule out operator error or issue with equipment....
  5. Not an issue but bit staggered that after missing or injuring with a 222/250 and then a 243 that they thought a 22 rimfire was the solution!! Respect one's quarry.
  6. After choosing a 22lr with which two foxes got shot & injured but managed to drag themselves off & you couldn't find?? We've all missed & not everyone is bang flop, but this just sounds like bad choices by both of you, should have gone to pub after 243 missed. I'd have kept this one to myself Mark, not posted on a public forum ffs ???
  7. I reckon you should have packed in earlier on, even foxes deserve bit more respect than just peppering shots at them in hope.
  8. Don't come with shims the sx4 does it? Daft they stopped including them after the sx3
  9. It's the royal green jackets, infantry rifle regiment.
  10. Depends if you want gas or inertia. Pros & cons to both. Gas less felt recoil but needs regular cleaning. I've had two gas ones, my gaffer & his son both have inertia driven. Personally if getting another I'd go gas again. Armsan are lot of gun for the money.
  11. my view today - so dry having to put bales in fields for ewes & fat lambs. ?
  12. Beauty beholder eyes & all that mate! For instance, my missus first thing in morning, I'd probably stretch to a 2nd hand red dot..... but her glammed up, topless & dishing up her homemade lasagne; she'd get a thermal off me!! ?? (fucķ I've gotta lay off this aldi lager!!)
  13. I think we'd need to see photo of gf to determine how much she's worth spending on!!
  14. Good going mate. Using the 243 more than 204?
  15. I sometimes don't even bother with pants on a Sunday!
  16. She does... I must be such a disappointment!! ??
  17. Dropped this nest robber today at 120yds then minutes later dropped my bloody rifle! God knows but sling swivel worked open and it slid out of stud! ?? Checked zero at 50 & 100 and all still good - ceezee tank!!
  18. That looks like a coat my mam would wear!! Gey some dirt on it man!!
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