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Everything posted by BenBhoy

  1. Sheep & beef. We make all our own silage & hay too. Good on ya, how many they lambing, what system?
  2. Everything's good cheers bud! I'm mainly into shooting & farming. Do bit of trapping & pest control round farm i work on. When i was younger use to run lurchers.
  3. Croeso Dan! I'm originally from North Wales but now living in Nottinghamshire (bloody women!!) What you into mate??
  4. I thought she only shared that pic with me, two timing swine!!
  5. I built my own, still working as it this morning
  6. That's (hopefully) a work in progress for couple of years time. Cracking down hard on fox & other preadator this year to help wild birds. Our own land is predominantly just grassland. Both neighbours are arable & release birds but both have own shoots already. We do have a large woodland which hasn't had any management for last 30 years! That's something I'm hoping to rent from my gaffer in a year or so.
  7. I want Beyonce to sit on my face, it's not happened yet, but now I've posted on here I'm much more confident!
  8. Certainly seen more in last 5 weeks than have for last few years on our farm. A one time pest, it's refreshing to hear that more of us realise & accept they aren't (currently) the cannon fodder they once were. ?
  9. I went to bishop burton maaaannnnyyyyyyyy moons ago, I had time of my life (and so did plenty of Yorkshire lasses, ohhhh!!!)
  10. Drop of rain & the prosecco comes out as they head indoors!
  11. I'm looking for a syndicate DIY shoot. I'm as interested in the keepering side of it, working parties, feeding & conservation etc as I am the few days shooting. I work as a shepherd, genuine countryman through & through. Over 15 years shooting experience. GWCT member. Just happiest working outside! Thanks in advance
  12. Evening, I'm looking for a syndicate DIY shoot. I'm as interested in the keepering side of it, working parties, feeding & conservation etc as I am the few days shooting. I work as a shepherd, genuine countryman through & through. Over 15 years shooting experience. GWCT member. Just happiest working outside! Thanks in advance Ben
  13. Get along to a decent game fair in coming months. Always a few for sale there & that way you can have a look with it, as @Dekersays, often it personal preference.
  14. Yeah deffo, that's a big part of it for me as we have wild grey partridge about the farm.
  15. Welcome Paul. I'm in farming too, sheep & beef.
  16. Tried something new today. Only out for just under3 hrs. They came in very well, 9 down & couple of shocking misses. Definitely worth a try at this time of year. Breaking with tradition, I didn't add dead to make a pattern, intentionally just used one decoy & gave it large on the primos.
  17. Bob Parratt tweed coat View Advert Owned from new and NEVER been worn. Been kept in non smoking house. Size is small but it's very generous, far too big for me. Advertiser BenBhoy Date 27/04/19 Price £80.00 Category Clothing and Footwear  
  18. I picked up a 6 day old lamb today no eyes, no tongue, no ears & no arsehole. I just hope it was already dead (checked at 7am Thursday & 6am today). I'm out on crows tomorrow. Shot over 130 in last few weeks.
  19. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/carrion-crows-licence-to-kill-or-take-them-gl26 It's a start..
  20. My missus has given me green light to break the law!! Whoo!!
  21. Gonna buy a pump online. I'm pretty new to PCP's, anything I should look out for? I've a super10
  22. We have loads on clover & chickweed on our farm.
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