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Everything posted by BenBhoy

  1. Haha yeah I am, was hoping to come back to cold winds & rain!! Bloody heatwave!!! The rams go in with ewes tomorrow, wooly orgy!!
  2. Yep 100% agree every time. Even if you don't fire a shot, no better way to spend a few hours
  3. Jealous, I've not had a single day on stubble of any kind yet this year. Thousands of acres of permission just not enough time.
  4. My wife will warn you bernard, "don't start Ben talking about sheep"!! We don't suffer too bad with foot issues as I have a pretty strict cull policy (two strikes and your a kebab). We have lots of grass this year & rotate with the cattle to reduce/control worm burden with minimal anthelmintic use. I'll stop there....
  5. Our first lot of tups go in my first day, back August 26th to lamb again in January. And I still love it!!
  6. Don't you bloody start! No, I shouldn't be - I'm employed as a shepherd! Took a bit of explanation to my gaffer what a holiday is!!
  7. I'm over in mallorca at minute, 34 degrees & poolside. But secretly I'd rather be in a windy stubble field with hours to kill. Enjoy bernard!
  8. I'm not making yet another north east reference..... ?
  9. A likely story! I suppose the mirror on your ceiling is just for checking nasal hairs?! ?
  10. I'd like to know what that little black camera device pointing towards the bed is for.........You kinky bugger!!
  11. Very strange; I been baling barley straw today, two fields of 24hr old rape stubble either side....not a pigeon in sight.
  12. I don't know what her problem is officer, she still had her bra on, I could clearly see that..!!
  13. I love the summer & sun but I'm struggling with this. Alright in a beer garden, hell to work in. I've even had to dig out the silly hat, my mobile solar panel was going into overdrive!!
  14. https://www.shootinguk.co.uk/guns/buy-gun-guide/gunsmiths-report-increase-in-shotguns-ruined-by-steel-shot-2-21604
  15. What, with your advancing years I thought large print would help!!
  16. Only messing mate as I always get told I'm the stereotype farmer, grumbling all the time as I hold up traffic in the tractor!
  17. Yep quite right. Standard steel is fine in all nitro proved guns. If you want to use high performance you need to have this symbol on barrel.
  18. You mean you want to buy a new steel proof gun for wildfowl? (Your posts are somewhat cryptic at best Bernardo..I said cryptic not vague!) I'm torn between using my a612 & steel or buying 50 cartridge of another non toxic variety suitable for my 686. So I haven't helped you at all!!
  19. Dunno about cat decoys, but in my youth I was a pussy magnet...!!
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