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Everything posted by gav000

  1. Hi guys just wanted to share my new ferret box with you all, its made out of 3mm and 4mm plywood. Its nice and light. The middle divider can be removed to make it one large box. My 3 hobs can fit no problem..
  2. i just wanted to see what people think about all the different types of material's that people make there purse nets out of and the pros and cons of each e.g. hemp, nylon etc
  3. Thanks netrigger will have a look at them.
  4. there is a couple of photos of my repair job on my long net
  5. Does anyone on there know if Advanced Netting will send to Australia??
  6. gav000

    How long?

    Not the cheapest pegs and a little bit heavy, what ever works for you....
  7. gav000

    How long?

    Allgame are they hand made or machine made ?
  8. Ludwig here is how i did my net, the photo might help, i think its a bit clearer. The hardest part was just getting stuck in and cutting up your net.
  9. Well because of this post i now have nets with no holes in them. It took a little bit of think about the photo that was posted but after a day or so, I started to play around 2nd time lucky i got the hang of it. :clapper:
  10. gav000

    How long?

    Allgame where are you buying your nets from in Aus? Is the ring on them 1" ?
  11. Thanks will have to have a go on making some up soon
  12. The thing that i found that works would be bike tyre tubes cut into small bands, creating small round bands that does the same job but shouldn't Biodegrade. They may brake after a long time in the sun but all rubber products are the same. :D
  13. Does anyone make there purse net out of nylon or only use it only for the slip cord? what size cord are people using for the slip cords??? anyway here are my first 2 nets made. 2 different types, will have to give both a good run before i choose which one to start make more of.
  14. Hi guys, i have a few white nets, most of the time i use them for ferreting, so far i have not found that the white colour is putting off the rabbits from bolting into it. do you think that it would be better to dye the nets or just leave it???
  15. Hi all, Wow like like i am not the only one that wold like to know how to make these nets.. Thanks Axholme fereter, thats a great way of using your normal nets and making them in to drop ones. Do you find that the poles sway in the wind. if so how to do stop it or do you just leave. R_Oldroyd thanks for the close up photo it helps. Is there any reason why you would recommend a light net ??? If i could bother you again, i don't know what happened to your photos but they are not there anymore. only your last one is showing up. if its not to much bother could you please post attachment=28
  16. Hi R_oldroyd thanks for the photo, the system looks very heavy but on the other side it would hold up in a storm or 2. i have a question about the way the system stays up till you want to drop it. what type of system is yours using and if you have any close-up photos of it could you please post them. Thanks, Gavin
  17. Hi guys, need to pick your brains on how to make a drop net. My situation is that there are lots of rabbits that come out feeding and I'm wanting to put up a drop net so that I'm able to catch as many as I can and while they're out feeding I can drop the net and flush them into the net. Any ideas on creating a drop net? Is anyone using them and to give me some pointers? Any ideas on what materials to use and how to create the pin system would be great. Also if anyone have photos of their set up that would help a lot. Hoping for a little bit of help, Gavin
  18. Thanks Maty J, The photo helped a lot, it gives a great view and the step by step tying of the clove hitch will help. just a question what is your poles diameter? and do u have grommets at the top and bottom? once again thanks Gav
  19. Hi there i was given a net and i would like to know how people attach their net to the poles. I was thinking of trying to make a quick set net after looking at other posts. Right now i have spring steel poles but need some great ideas to attach the net to them. if people could post close up photo of their systems that would be great. Hoping for some help.
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