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About gav000

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. do you have any photo of your set up. sound great well done
  2. gav000


    nice one. great looking ferret
  3. looks like a great day out. What type of dog is that Rolfe?
  4. Well done, and what a good looking dog
  5. looks like a great day had . Well done and great photos too.
  6. Was interested in your trapping hammer thread.......did you say you may be able to locate some? Rolfe. yep might be able to find a few Rolfe but will have to have a look around and ask a few people. Will have to wait and see what i can find. i am looking for one myself.
  7. everyone as a bad day now and then just hope that the next one gets better
  8. gav000

    long net

    no but i have found that 6mm spring steel works great, still light , strong with a couple of grommets they make great poles
  9. if only your in aus nice looking dog
  10. thats a great size hope there is many more still out there for me B)
  11. I have not seen them out and about but will keep an eye out for them. If i find a couple does anyone want one then... but have to find them first will keep you all updated and post a few photo if i find some :)
  12. use them a bit around the wood stacks and around the veg patch. places that the dogs dont go.
  13. a hot pin can also get the little buggers off. have to be a bit careful of the ferret and your hands but it works for me.
  14. maybe different people on different days. have another go on another day.. great tip bob will have a go ang get a bit of nail polish then :clapper:
  15. nice looking.. try it with a little bit of chill, sweet and sour rabbit
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