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Everything posted by Gaz_1989

  1. Some size of dog that katchum! Im just looking at the length of his back! I bet it was some sight seeing him stretched out!
  2. If you're dogs were never going to come into contact with other dogs or walk on land where other dogs have EVER been or a stray dog could possibly access then there probably wouldn't be a need. But I don't know anywhere where you could say for 100% certainty that the above scenario exists. So I would get them jabbed. As for your comparison abour malaria. We don't have malaria carrying mosquitos in the UK but we do have parvo, distemper etc, parvo can live on the land for up to 2 years according to some studies and distemper is airborne I believe.
  3. I thought that. My dogs know the sound of my car engine let alone my voice, I'm pretty sure losing a few stone and growing a beard wouldn't cause them not to recognise me. Lol.
  4. Yes mate Smart these are fella ?
  5. thats fair point Stan , situations like that mate a dog that give voice would deff be benefit deff. my next dog will be a small type lurcher , i would like 2nd gen 1x pit x whippet , if i can get one, ive had both breeds before and i like them, if i did get one and it picked up some of the whippet genes which it could . the none ped whippet ive seen at the track years ago they can sing a bit lol , so as busher i reckon they be vocal . i like the crack with any type dog day or night , and mooching/bushing is great deff Ray ,I had a first x whippet bull a few years ago ,
  6. thats what ive been trying to say .A lad by me where used to live , had great springer that knocked stuff out , it worked out brill being honest , i get one side with my lurchers , he had whippet x and a border terrier the other side, as springer was moving forward even if the rabbits dropped back the dogs both sides would nail them, it really worked well never any yapping or barking , just the dogs catching . i keep saying if there was to much noise some rabbits would try to go to ground, but when quiet the rabbits would try to sneak out up the edge but the lurchers would be r
  7. That explains why my bull x cocker never stops ?
  8. thats what ive been trying to say .A lad by me where used to live , had great springer that knocked stuff out , it worked out brill being honest , i get one side with my lurchers , he had whippet x and a border terrier the other side, as springer was moving forward even if the rabbits dropped back the dogs both sides would nail them, it really worked well never any yapping or barking , just the dogs catching . i keep saying if there was to much noise some rabbits would try to go to ground, but when quiet the rabbits would try to sneak out up the edge but the lurchers would be r
  9. Don't think there's many that open up mate, better off with a beagle spaniel with bushing , surely a quiet dog better , as dogs opening up, only pushing game out early , any fox or rabbit wont hang about with lot of noise , they move up and out before you dogs or guns are there. ive seen lots of birds,rabbits and the odd fox pushed out with good springers , and deff with rabbits they seem to hang back more than a fox or birds, springer quite and does the job quick/ silent and gives great sport . another good busher were border terrier seen few of them on shoot days good little
  10. Don't think there's many that open up mate, better off with a beagle spaniel with bushing , surely a quiet dog better , as dogs opening up, only pushing game out early , any fox or rabbit wont hang about with lot of noise , they move up and out before you dogs or guns are there. ive seen lots of birds,rabbits and the odd fox pushed out with good springers , and deff with rabbits they seem to hang back more than a fox or birds, springer quite and does the job quick/ silent and gives great sport . another good busher were border terrier seen few of them on shoot days good little
  11. That kind of work is straight up my street, how much does he earn like?I honestly don't know but I knows he's not short of a few quid, and he went there broke. I could ask him for you and find out what the cost of living is like if you were genuinely interested. Just dreaming pal, don't think I could leave the family behind even though I'd love it over there. That's it mate you gotta put family first. As I said if I was single and didn't have a daughter then my mindset would be different.
  12. That kind of work is straight up my street, how much does he earn like? I honestly don't know but I knows he's not short of a few quid, and he went there broke. I could ask him for you and find out what the cost of living is like if you were genuinely interested.
  13. My uncle is over in Connecticut if that's the right spelling. He's been there 15 years. Started off in the Everglades, south Florida I believe. He's not got a trade as such. He was a road worker here but landed on his feet over there. He's in charge of a gang of lads laying underground pipes now. Raking the coin in and his boss pays for him to live in a wooden cabin in the woods and drive a big V8 pickup. He's got 3 dogs what he just calls hunting mutts. Not runners as such. The look like big hounds. He has some fun with them. They have big drives to guns on a weekend. Lads circling a
  14. Well done excellent shooting. Al the very best Thanks fella!
  15. That's a nice air rifle. Does your lurcher work with the air rifle and retrieve what you shoot? I've been taking my bull cocker but she's too hard mouthed if you want to eat what you shoot. I think my brindle lurcher would do the job. She retrieves alive and is steady and happy to walk to heel as long as nothing jumps up.
  16. Some smart guns you've got there fella. I've never decoyed. Something to consider though. I always just go at last light and pop a few off before dark walking the woods etc. I don't like shooting rabbits. I prefer to leave them until winter and get them with my lurchers but wouldn't have a problem taking a few if land owner asked.
  17. That's the best I can get at 15 yards. 10 shots. Sober. Lol... The square is 1" so the grouping is about 1/4" without them 2 stragglers that let me down...
  18. Just Fifteen Yards Gaz_1989. P.S All the very best Cheers mate. Gives me some idea. I am setting a target up now! I was very very drunk at the time. All the very best Haha. That's good shooting for very drunk! Lol
  19. Just Fifteen Yards Gaz_1989. P.S All the very best Cheers mate. Gives me some idea. I am setting a target up now!
  20. What sort of range is this at mate? Cheers
  21. I don't shoot anything like a lot of the lads on this forum, I'm a lurcher man at heart. But I do enjoy shooting wood pigeons through the summer, my gun has kept my ferrets fed for many a year and given us plenty of pigeon pie. Ive just given my Daystate X2 it's first strip down and clean since I got it new in 2007. I've always given it a wipe over when I get back from shooting but it had just started to develop a few small rust spots on the outside of the barrel so I've stripped it down and cleaned it gently with WD40. What do other people use? It's come up like new...
  22. Comparing red deer and wild boar. Only on THL. Lol
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