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Everything posted by Gaz_1989

  1. Dam was 1/4 Collie so only a touch in there. She's useless same as my other dogs mate but looks nice and is quiet in the kennel so that does for me.
  2. My bitch is just 2 years old. Sire Wheaten Grey. Dam Collie Bull Grey...
  3. If you think a ko win is better than beating a champ in his fighting home country on points then your mad lol people can say it's a lucky punch etc a points win is far more point proven That's crazy talk. If you had a fight in the pub would you be happy with the fight getting split up and some of the lads saying "I think you won it"? Or would you be happier if you dropped the guy and that was that? A points win is what 3 people watching the fight thought. Ive never got a points win when I've boxed and if I did I would consider it a disappointment and want a rematch to get the KO.
  4. Smart pups these lads. All the best with them.
  5. Hows a cross like this with live stock and retrieval etc? S2H The ones I've been around have been 100% with all livestock and one in particular was an obsessive retriever.
  6. I didn't realise it was paid for by the land owners. So the government bring a law in to protect badgers. Then when the numbers get out of control they bring in a controlled badger cull at the expense of the land owner. Wow.
  7. I like how he said that we pay civil servants millions to carry out the badger cull when their are no doubt better qualified people and people with better understanding of the countryside who would control badgers free of charge if it was legal. What a strange country this is. I agree it looks great fun. If only it was legal. Lol.
  8. I only keep bitches and I get on with them well. I haven't had a dog for about 5 years but the couple I had were more stubborn and head strong. Could just be the breeding though and not nessescarily the gender. I haven't had enough of each to compare really. I've seen some very good dogs and bitches working. I won't have a dog now simply because I've got 3 bitches and it would be a nightmare having a dog about when one came in season.
  9. Whos told you that strong stuff collars look daft on a lurcher? Have you seen his lurcher collars? I'm with you Gaz, i love my strong stuff collar on my lurcher, doesn't look daft at all. I highly recommend them. Atb AdamGot them my self they are crazy strong I like them to. What my collars are very different the are made to be strong easy clean with a wipe so no smells or any thing will stay on them so very very handy I agree the big advantage with biothane is that they can be disinfected clean. Could be handy for some lads.
  10. I've had head torches that can do that for over a decade. ?Dimmer switch? Or the shitty click button where they jump up and down brightness in stages? I'm guessing the latter.Yep the latter but does it make much difference? Well I think it does, the lad was asking about variable power dimmer switches on LED lamps. A dimmer gradually adjusts the brightness from nothing to full brightness. The ones you've had jump from one mode to another and to get from the lowest to the highest you've gotta skip through 3-5-7 modes creating a countryside disco.
  11. I've had head torches that can do that for over a decade. ? Dimmer switch? Or the shitty click button where they jump up and down brightness in stages? I'm guessing the latter.
  12. Whos told you that strong stuff collars look daft on a lurcher? Have you seen his lurcher collars?
  13. You must have a big sofa. (Welcome back) Had a mates alaunt on my sofa a couple of years back and the sofa has had an alaunt shaped dent there ever since. I need to fill it. Haha. Thanks fella.
  14. 90 minutes is some lamping though wouldn't you agree? So a £15 charger and 4 spares in your pocket gives you 3 hours continuous lamping. That would suit me. But I'm not one of these who has the lamp on all night because I'm scared of the dark. I know some lads would get through 8 sets of batteries in a few hours. Lol.
  15. But why would you want a 22 amp/hour battery with an led lamp? You wouldn't. I never said you would? Why would you want a cable and external battery pack with an LED lamp in 2017? If you use a high powered led you need big batteries and they are heavy. LEDs aren't really "high powered". The 150 lasts all night on 2 cheap, small lithium batteries. If you doubled the power of the 150 you would have some lamp on your hands and the batteries would be neither heavy or big.
  16. The battery won't be big. The only way to get a longer beam is to increase the power, it's not rocket science and for that you need a bigger battery bank. Gaz's idea is good, with the replaceable batteries, but even that is a ball ache. I agree with the science and what you're saying. What I was saying about the 22ah and tracer lamp was that if I had to resort to a cable and external battery then I would just go down that route. I don't see the need for cables and external batteries in 2017 when using relatively low power bulbs (LEDs). I personally would prefer removable batt
  17. But why would you want a 22 amp/hour battery with an led lamp? You wouldn't. I never said you would? Why would you want a cable and external battery pack with an LED lamp in 2017?
  18. I could make space on the sofa for one of these ??
  19. The 150 has got 2 batteries in the handle in a pack. If they could modify that so that the batteries can be individually inserted into the bottom of the handle then you would be laughing. They could double the size of the LED, still giving you a good few hours lamping and you could carry batteries in your pocket... Like this...
  20. 100% agree with TOMO. The biggest advantage to your lamps for me is that the battery is built in. 1) Lower cost 2) No battery to carry about 3) No trailing cable 4) No dodgy connections to lamp or battery to worry about If I was gonna go down the external battery route then I would get a tracer 210 variable and 22ah lithium. Which I had before and sold when I got the 150 off you.
  21. i will finish it of for you Tomo 7 as cheap as possible trig you are are tight lol....you only breath out once a week , to get the most out of the air I must be honoured. He brought me and my daughter breakfast last time I was down his ?
  22. Dimmer is a lot more important than a filter to me and most lads I've lamped with. Keep us updated!
  23. Personally I would use the 150 as the base for the next lamp. If you could get the Beam of the 120 with the battery life of the 150 then you would be getting somewhere IMO. I also think the 150 feels more robust than the 120. I don't know why. It just feels a better quality lamp. Can your men put dimmers on the LEDs used in the lamps now? I didn't think it was possible. If so then even better. I like a dimmer myself. Would the dimmer driver not ramp the price up too much though? If batteries are still causing an issue then ask your men to have a look at using quick change 18650 ba
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