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Everything posted by Gaz_1989

  1. Cheers for comments lads. He's a cracking little dog.
  2. A mate of mine has just picked up a little terrier from a bloke in the pub. Supposedly... Sire - Jack x Patterdale Dam - Lakeland x Patterdale Its a lovely little pup, he has had it for more of a pet than anything and says he will do a bit of ratting with it if I take him with me. He has asked me if I think it will be okay in the house with the kids. He's got a boy 15 months and a girl 4. Ive said it should be okay supervised and from a young pup, it's only 7 weeks old. What do you reckon? Might it get nippy and a bit fiery with kids or is it hard to say? Thank
  3. Thanks for all the replys. Steve - thanks for the offer but I'm gonna wait untill next spring/summer I think mate, wait till my little girl is toddling and also give me a bit more time to make sure a lab is the one for me. The chewing shouldn't be a massive problem, I intend to crate train so that it is confined when we are out. And I will walk it every morning before work to try and use up a bit of energy. My missus is home most days all day to keep it occupied. How do labs do on a BARF diet? Ive read they are pigs with food, do they just inhale everything? And can they cope wi
  4. Hi folks, I am thinking about getting a dog in the next 12 months or so. Ive always had dogs, parent had a staff when I was born, then an EBT after he died. Then we had 2 dobermanns which my parents have still got. I also had 2 lurchers of my own which i had to give up when I was moving abroad to live. But at the last minute it got called off and my missus fell pregnant so I have left the lurchers with my mate who had them off me. He wants to keep them and is doing a good job so don't want to uproot everything and have them back. Just don't want people thinking I'm a dog pedd
  5. I have just swapped this for the Deben LED Ray. £55.00. Anyone got one of these? It's very similar to the SMK but feels like a better quality unit. Hope it holds out.
  6. Thanks buddy. The forum has changed alot! For the better I may add.
  7. I purchased one of these SMK LED lights today for £39.99 to mount on my scope. I was well chuffed. Tried it out tonight and it says 100m range on the box, and it was about right. Really bright and very compact little unit. However after about the third time of switching it on it died. Completely dead. Batteries meant to last 7 hours. Anyone else had any experience with one of these? I'm hoping it was just a dodgy set of batteries but I doubt it. Cheers, Gaz.
  8. Hello All, I don't know if anyone will remember me. I have been a member for a long time but not been on for ages. For those who don't know me I am 21 years old from the midlands. I have always been interested in lurchers, bull breeds and my air rifles. Aswell as most other field sports. I have had the most mental last 12 months ever! Become a Dad 8 months ago to my growing baby Girl. Moved house. Helped parents move house, finally got themselves a farm with 5 acres of bunny ridden fields. Then almost lost my whole family in a house fire at the farm house. Started
  9. Ah okay chief. Just thought id make sure you knew. Its best not to go saying things like that really fella, antis could come on here and if they saw that then they would think that people on the forum had been coursing hares, which obviously since the ban, nobody has. Gaz
  10. Foxy Jo - Coursing Hares is illegal now mate, since Feb 2005.
  11. Cheers Kev, Looks like hes loving that! Where do you get Pigs Heads from? Will Butchers/Abetoire just throw them out? Gaz
  12. How is that pup in the first pic bred? He is a cracker. All nice dogs though, and great pics. Gaz
  13. How is that pup bred mate? Thanks Gaz
  14. Thats a nice dog mate. I like the ones that throw to greyhound, and i like the 1/4 Collie 3/4 Greys. Im also interested in the Collie/Grey x Bull/Grey, i think one of these would make a useful dog, and the ones ive seen have been lookers. Thanks Gaz
  15. Echo whats said above mate. Dont tell them you work your dogs at all. They are pets. If they were injured working then you were out walking through a field :-)
  16. I apprereciate that some fisherman are of the attitude that "fishing will never get banned, there are too many fishermen, f**k the hunters" and are selfish cnuts! But still, this doesnt mean dog men should be the same. The thing for fishermen is that when hunting does get completelty outruled then fishing WILL be next, like it or not. I say again, we must all stick together. Im not saying it will help any of us, if they are gonna ban then they will ban, but slating one another only gives them ammunition. Gaz
  17. I think ALL fieldsports need to stick together. If they ban one, then they will soon ban more. I am a carp fisherman, and shoot with air rifle, and hunt with dogs. I hate it when i here people from one group slating another. If you lads are slating carp fishing, then you are only helping antis ban it, and if they ban carp fishing, what chance have lads hunting quarry with dogs/air rifles/hawks or whatever it is got?
  18. Thats a cracking looking dog mate. Looks really handy. Cheers Gaz
  19. What an absoloute load of wank. These articles piss me off soooo much! How long have fish been caught for sport? Thousands of years? It was proved years ago that they cant feel the pain of a hook in there lip and that they cant remember getting caught. So why has it changed now? Gaz
  20. Your right in what your saying yes, every dog is different. But you CAN generalise. Yes there will be exceptions, but it would give a rough idea. Gaz
  21. Cheers mate, hope he turns out good for you!
  22. Cheers fella, Thats a gorgeous pup. How is it bred? Gaz
  23. You wont really get an answer to your question. Any lurcher can potentially be a good all rounder really. Its hard to say 'what is the best rabbit dog'. It depends what ground your running it on, how your working it, etc. My Beddy/Whip is OK all round, not amazing, but you get out of a dog what you put into it, mine hasnt had THAT much time spent on it and i brought it as an older dog, not a pup. I am looking at Bull/Grey x Collie/Grey next i think, or maybe just a nice collie/grey. I have seen Bull/Greyhounds take bunnys no problem. Gaz
  24. Thanks very much to everyone who has put a pic up. There are some cracking looking dogs up there, and they all sound like decent dogs. Is there much advantage to having 3/4 grey 1/4 collie, or 5/8 grey 3/8 collie? Is it all just personal preference? Are the 1st crosses preferred by most? Thanks Gaz
  25. Thanks for the replies folks. These should help me pursuade. Kill um - Is that a first cross? Also what the temperaments like, not just as workers, but around the house? Do they sway towards the hypo-activeness of the collie or are they more chilled out like the greyhound? Thanks Gaz
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