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Everything posted by Gaz_1989

  1. Thanks fellas. Socialisation he shall get :-D
  2. Sorry to hear that mate. You got any pics of him?
  3. What was he like to bring on? Clever? Quick to learn? Whats his exact breeding? First cross saluki grey over first collie grey? Just curious, Gaz
  4. Anyone got one? Ive heard a few people say they have seen them and they are really good. What are your experiences with the cross? Wouldn't mind seeing pics if anyone got one? Gaz
  5. Thanks for replys. Helped slot. He doesn't get the opportunity to "excersise himself" as much as I would like due to being kept in a crate. Which is where I am trying to judge how much out of crate time he needs. Socialising has already started. I live 5 mins from a busy main road. So we regularly go a walk up there with him in my jacket to watch traffic go by etc. Also I take him up my mums in the car to get him used to going in the boot on his own. He has met my folks 2 dobermans and jack Russell on a few occasions now. The 5 min per month is a good guideline though.
  6. Are there any guidelines for how much walking a pup can do? My pup can go out next week after jabs. He will be 11 weeks. He currently goes out on the lead for about 10 mins in a morning, walking around garden etc. Then gets about 4 20 minute sessions a day where he just charges round the house biting everything and fetching his toys etc. I don't wanna take him for half hour walks if it's gonna knacker his legs and development. Thanks Gaz
  7. Another question then... What does greyhound offer to the pure saluki? I know alot of lads run pure salukis but also alot of saluki/grey about.
  8. Thats a cracking dog mate. I like the sound of that breeding and have already thought about putting my sal/whip/grey pup over a collie/grey bitch in a few years if he makes the grade. Gaz.
  9. I was told that lamb is great for getting weight on. I asked the local butcher to do me 2lb of lamb mince and 2lb of minced fatty offcuts. He didn't charge for the fat and you've got twice the amount. Mine gets this a couple times a week. Also tripe is supposed to be good. My pup devours a bowl full of green tripe too. Gaz
  10. Thanks for replies. Any more input welcomed. Gaz.
  11. Decent replies folks. Cheers. Any other input appreciated :-) Gaz
  12. Just to add my two penneth. Ive got a 9 week old lurcher pup, i work 3 week shifts. 5 days 08.00-14.00, 5 days 07.00-15.00 and 7 days 12,00-00.00. The pup lives indoors in a cage, which he is quickly outrowing i might add! Its for his own safety as much as my convenience. I take him out in the garden every morning (will soon become a walk when hes had his jabs) and then he has his breakfast. After this he sleeps till lunch. If im on earlys the missus feeds him, lets him out for half hour etc, then again he sleeps till evening. And same at about 6 pm, he knows when its feed time and
  13. Does anyone work pure greyhounds? Seems that not many do. Why is this? And why are greyhounds favoured for the track? High top speed? What does whippet blood add to a greyhound? Is it purely to get the size down a bit? Saluki adds stamina I believe? I know deerhound adds a bit of fire, height, good feet etc. Are deer/greys too big for bunnies regularly or is this a myth that they cannot get down to pick up? Just curious and trying to learn as much as i can about sighthounds and Lurchers. Gaz
  14. My pup is currently getting 2 meals of 'redmills plus' a day and then a third meal of anything from the following... Breast of Lamb Steak Mince Lamb Mince Fatty Lamb and Beef Offcuts from butchers including some bone Mixed Offal Tripe Eggs Fish (sometimes tinned and sometimes fresh whole sprats) As he gets older i will reduce biscuits and increase raw. Gaz
  15. D.H - Have you got Deer/Grey x Collie/Grey or similar? Ive got saluki/whip/grey and love this breeding but would look at deerhound in the future for a 2nd dog if I wanted something bigger. Gaz.
  16. Cracking thread butch and some good replies. I love the look of that deer/grey x collie/grey. Gaz
  17. People who have mentioned hyperdrugs version of frontline... Any idea what it's called? Can't find it Thanks Gaz
  18. Mate, you should of searched for Hancock! Lol. You will get half the forum saying they run a Hancock dog and its great. Then half the forum saying he's just a puppy peddler producing bags of shit. Personally I am on the fence, i think alot of people have had dogs from non working parents and turned them into good uns. And on the same note I'm sure that people have had dogs from "top coursing lines" "guaranteed to be 100%" and they have turned out wank. I have just had a pup from a working dog and bitch and there are loads of working bred pups out there so I would say its your choi
  19. Sorry to hear that mate. Wouldn't wish anyone to lose a dog working. R.I.P
  20. Thanks for replys and garlic info chook. Johnrthfrd - What do you use 3 monthly as a preventative? Frontline or similar? Gaz
  21. I would like to put my grey/whip/saluki over a bitch like that in a few years if he turns out good. I think a good working grey or saluki/grey would produce decent pups out of your bitch though mate. Gaz
  22. Thanks for the replys. I don't think it was anything serious as it's cleared up now. I started him off on his redmills after the loose stools, softened with a drop of hot water. At first he was reluctant but soon had it when he was hungry next day. Last few days i haveI mixed it with a little cooked lamb or chicken mice. I will offer him a piece of lamb breast Monday if he's still good after the weekend. Thanks for advice all, Gaz.
  23. Fair comments guys and mixed opinions as expected. I have taken him out just in the front garden tonight to have a run around and get used to the lead... And the fireworks! I thought 10 mins in the garden would take some energy out of him, but was wrong. Lol. I will wait the few weeks out save risking anything. I am going to take him up my mums tomorrow to meet her 2 x Dobes and JRT, get him used to the car and other dogs etc. They are all jabbed up and rarely leave the house. I want to socialise him as much as possible. Thanks for replys. Gaz.
  24. My pup is 9 weeks old on Wednesday. He has his first course of jabs at vets 2 weeks ago. He is booked in for his second jabs when he is 10 weeks. Then I'm told he can't go outside for another 2 weeks. So 3 weeks from now. As you can imagine he is mental, impossible to tire him out in the house no matter how much play he gets. Would it be risky to take him out before 2nd jabs and the 12 week point? Obviously I don't want to risk catching anything and if the risk at this age compared to in 3 weeks is HUGE then he will have to stay inside. He gets about 3 hours a day of me
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