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Everything posted by Gaz_1989

  1. Saluki/Whippet/Grey - Only a pup but hoping he will make a good all rounder and have a go at all legal quarry.
  2. Some really smart looking dogs on here lads. I here alot of good stuff about this cross. Gaz.
  3. Ive searched Saluki Bull but seem to get everything BUT saluki bull. Lol.
  4. Are they the ones that look like a mini dobermann? Lol. I've heard they are awesome ratters but don't know if there are many about. Gaz
  5. Has anyone got a dog this way bred or similar? Ive heard alot of folk say they would be handy but not seen any. Anyone got pics and what are they like to work? Gaz
  6. The law is a bag of wank. Alot of people try to get round laws with legal jargon and "no comment". At the end of the day if you have broken the law or breached an Act and been caught then there aint much you can do. Failing to comply with them is something they will arrest you for anyway. If you break the law... Don't get caught! Gaz
  7. Its interesting that. Surely though, if the police ask you your name and you refuse then they will nick you for something?
  8. Thorne 43 - is yours first cross deer/grey? I haven't seen any smooth coated first crosses before, like that alot. Gaz.
  9. Sounds like a good cross mate. Bet that sire is a good all rounder? Look forward to pics.
  10. Glad you agree mate. Heard alot of good stuff about collie/deer/saluki/grey stuff.
  11. Im hoping to put my saluki/whip/grey over a collie/grey/deer/grey if he turns out a gooden in a few years. Should make for good all rounders I reckon. Gaz.
  12. Nice dog. Deer/Greys seem to be the all rounder of choice for alot of folk now.
  13. I aren't a big fan of collie crosses personally but I think a dash of collie would be an asset to any lurcher really. There seems to be alot of good deerhound crosses about at the moment and alot of interest in there crosses. Gaz
  14. There aren't many about but there are a few. Ive heard that they are really under rated. But surely if they were brilliant there would be loads about. Also Alsation and German Shepherd are the same breed, 2 names. Gaz
  15. Cracking dogs lampy. What are they to the shoulder? Did you have this cross pre-ban? I bet they did the lot didn't they?
  16. Should make a nice dog. I have been looking at collie/grey/deer or bull/grey/deer for the future with a dash of saluki. I'm liking saluki/deer stuff. Wouldn't mind seeing some pics. Gaz.
  17. I remember reading on here a few months ago about a litter of whirriers, think they were bred by "crackpot". Site Jack Russel, Dam Black Whippet. I'm sure he kept a red dog pup back? Just wondering how the pups are doing and what they are looking like? Are they making useful dogs? I'm really interested in a JRT x Whippet one day for bushing, working cover, mooching etc. Gaz.
  18. Sorry to hear that mate. He looks a nice big dog. Gaz
  19. Does he have dianabol for breakfast? Joking aside, he is a fine looking animal mate. Gaz
  20. In relation to Salukis being soft, my pup is about 1/4 saluki and a right wuss. The other night he ran into the step outside when playing and yelped for about 2 minutes like someone had cut his head off. Today he ducked under a branch in the field and it must of scratched his back leg, he yelped like he had been stabbed and was limping for 10 minutes. He is fine now. Don't know if they toughen up as they get older, mine is only 12 weeks so can let him off. My EBT once ran into a lampost at full pace and didn't bat an eyelid, lol. Gaz
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