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Everything posted by Gaz_1989

  1. Why would you wanna use cous cous mate? What you mixing it with? You using it to replace biscuits?
  2. Do you really get a driving ban for hare coursing? I hadn't heard that one. I've heard of them seizing cars but again why? What has the car got to do with it if its legit? Gaz
  3. They are starting a campaign against hare coursing? Have they nothing better to do? Are there no more serious crimes that need attention and is there no better way of spending tax payers money? Just my opinion here but them riots the other week, students wanting university fee increases scrapped. They supposedly caused £600,000 damages. They were way under policed and they are putting hare causing high on there list of priorities? The other month my car got broken into in a rough part of manchester while working, it was on a retail complex, the Casino where I was working say there
  4. I live staffs mate, 5 mins from where you collected your pup. Mine is slowly getting retrieve too. Slowly being operative word, he seems very intelligent but very stubborn! He sits and stays but only for a treat at the moment. He is also an awesome jumper for his age. He jumps everything he can... Gaz.
  5. Nice bitch mate. Can tell she is rockys sister! Lol. They were all nice pups. Where are you located Mart and how is she doing?
  6. I'm gonna bump this back up for you mate incase you get any extra input.
  7. Thanks for replys. We went tonight for half hour and just walked the lane and let him see them through the fence at first. He showed about the same amount of interest in them as he does everything else, traffic, kids, blowing leaves etc. As soon as I whistle and offer a bit of cooked liver he forgets them. I will take him on the 15' lead tomorrow and see how we get on but I think he is just curious and definitely has no aggression.
  8. I can't put pics on at the moment mate, on my phone. But here is a thread I made a few weeks ago with a few pics... http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/177045-pics-of-my-pup/page__fromsearch__1 Gaz
  9. Nice pup mate. Not too disimilar to my sal/whip/grey pup. How is he coming on? Recall etc? Mine is 12 weeks and just getting the hang of it. Very stubborn though!
  10. Sounds a useful cross Michael. How is your pup out of Rogue coming on?
  11. If feeding a good basis of raw then I think any half decent puppy dry food would be okay. It's not advised to feed raw and dry together. My pup gets a meal of Redmills biscuits in the morning and then usually meat/eggs/tripe/offal/fish etc at midday and a bone meal in the evening, usually chicken wings or breast of lamb. He gets a good glug of olive oil on his biscuits a few times a week as well as half a multi vitamin and a calcium tablet a few times a week. He is doing sound :-)
  12. Thanks for reply. I have tried asking farmers and they don't wanna know. That's why I've been trying to find somewhere with public footpath. I'm guessing there's nothing wrong with walking your dog on lead on public footpath is there? What reaction can I expect from 3 month old pup around stock? I think he will just wanna play. I guess the objective is to just get him used to them so that he is used to them being there and the urge to play or chase them dies down? Cheers Gaz
  13. I asked a similar question a while back mate and got a good response. I love salukis and ive got a saluki/whip/grey and would like to put him over a deer x bitch if he turns out good. Alot of people really rate saluki/deer/grey and I think they would make decent all rounders.
  14. Very Interesting and informative post Stabs.
  15. Out of interest, what qulaities do wheaten bring to lurcher world? Not wanting to start a slanging match. I just don't know much about wheaten/grey Lurchers. Im guessing tenacity and balls from terrier, what about feet? Brains? Etc. Gaz
  16. Why don't you look for a decent lurcher x lurcher who are both doing the job. Bull/Deer/Grey x Saluki/Whippet/Grey for example. Gaz
  17. That delta is a cracking looking pup mate. All the best.
  18. Regarding not letting the pup run... Each to there own but my pup has been running at full pace every time he's out since he was about 10 weeks. There is no stopping him. Even in the house he just tears around. It's gotta be natural for a running dog pup to wanna stretch its legs?
  19. I am going to take my pup to meet some sheep tomorrow for the first time. He is just 3 months old and is very well socialised, met loads of dogs, people, different situations etc. I regularly take him to the shops at school time so he's used to kids and so on. Couple of questions... 1) Where I will be taking him is a large field with alot of sheep, it has got a public footpath through it. Are there any laws regards walking a dog on public footpath? I'm guessing it's okay? I asked a few farmers for permission to walk dog through sheep and no one wanted to know. 2) Short lead or long
  20. I would of thought Saluki/Grey would of been better for the job if you wanna stay with the sighthound blood. Obviously a dash of bull blood would of been beneficial too. What do people make of salukis generally? I get the impression they are like marmite, either loved or hated. My pup is 1/4 saluki and has got saluki ears and a bit of feathering. He is also a stubborn #**#** lol. I believe thats a saluki trait? Gaz
  21. I would of thought so mate. Would be interesting know if people had them doing it regular before the ban came in. Gaz
  22. Ive got a 12 week sal/whip/grey and he is a right handfull! another one??? No thanks! Lol. I would need to quit work to give 2 the time they need I think...
  23. Gaz_1989

    legal issues?

    If I remember correctly a couple of years ago, a member was pulled in for police questioning after sending PMs of illegal nature? May of been rumour but you cant be too careful.
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