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Everything posted by Gaz_1989

  1. Thanks for replies lads. Sound like a really decent cross. Karl - use photobucket or similar and then copy the "IMG" link. It's easier than it sounds. Gaz
  2. My folks have got a Doberman bitch from a rescue. She Is mental! The best guard dog I have seen. Prey drive through the roof. She is athletic build and I'm certain she would be fast enough for bunnys. Only last week she turned the out house upside down to get to a mouse nest. Her nose is great. Only problem with her is she was mistreated and it took her weeks to trust us and it takes about 2 weeks to accept someone new into the house. Visitors are not welcome. Same goes for anything else that moves, be it at home or out on a walk. I'm certain that this blood could only benef
  3. Ive only had my pup a couple of months but I love going for a mooch and not knowing what may pop up. Its probably one of the best things about working dogs to me, just going for a wander.
  4. How is yours bred mate? I take it your pleased with it?
  5. Haha. Sounds and looks like a cracker mate. I have often wondered if adding bull to the saluki mix would make for a really stubborn and head strong dog? But maybe not. I know bull crosses are eager to please. Gaz
  6. She's a nice looking bitch mate. How much saluki and bull in there? And how has she been to bring on so far? Cheers, Gaz
  7. 3 turns... How did you find the s/wg x bull/grey turn out? Decent all round? What were they Like to bring on? Sorry I've Hyjacked thread. Gaz.
  8. When you say Grew, is that greyhound x whippet?
  9. What do you think would need breeding into sal/whip/grey for them to have balls for reds pre ban? Bull or Deerhound maybe?
  10. I think it's a pride thing, wanting a pup out of your own dog. I am the same, my pup is only 14 weeks and I have already started thinking about what kind of bitch I want to put him over to get a pup out of. But in reality it will be when he's had 3 seasons or so and has proved he's got something worth keeping hold of. Gaz
  11. I think 1/4 saluki is plenty to retain some of the good saluki traits. My pup is just less than a quarter saluki and already uses his nose alot, seems to have a good coat and loads of energy.
  12. Offering a 13 month old pup for stud who yaps because he was entered to early is one sure way of getting alot of peoples backs up on here. And piss taking will commence. I don't ever tell people what to do with there dogs, you do what you want pal. But you will get shot down in this thread. Gaz.
  13. My dogs sire is this way bred and he's a great dog. Endless stamina, awesome daytime and great on the lamp. Hunts up really well and as expected pace to burn. Also very good jumper. He is 6 now and I would be more than happy to own him.
  14. Excuse me if this is common knowledge but what are minshaws? Are they an old line of lurcher to lurcher? Or a specific line of cross? Bull/Grey etc?
  15. Thanks for replies. What are saluki/bull/grey like to bring on? My sal/whip/grey is stubborn but we are getting there now. Would adding bull to the mix make it more stubborn and head strong? Also are they soft mouthed enough for regular bunny taking live to hand? Gaz
  16. Well said RFYL. That's what I meant but you seem better with words than me :-D
  17. I see where you are coming from but rescuing a dog is not for everyone... I wanted a puppy, end of. Lurcher pups in rescues would be totally unknown breeding. Could be half whippet, half deerhound etc. Just one example of one person who didn't want to rescue, this time. As I say I'm not against rescues, my parents rescued 2 dobermann adults when I lived at home and both are great. Maybe in the future when my little girl is older I will rescue a little bushing dog and if it didn't work it would stay as a pet anyway. Just wanted to point out that there are lots of pers
  18. I have been doing a bit of a search through some old threads about decent bushing dogs. I wouldn't mind getting one in a couple of years. Cocker spaniels seem fairly popular. I would want something that wont go to ground. Jack or Patt x Cockers seem popular too. What are Beddys like? Would they be likely to go to ground?
  19. Is that from experience John?
  20. I guess you could give it a go. Alot of the folk big into BARF feeding say dogs don't need carbs. But I know alot of lads who feed pasta in the day if going lamping that night. My pup is currently getting a meal of biscuits AM but will probably drop this as he gets older and just feed raw with plenty of fat on working days. Gaz
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