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Everything posted by Gaz_1989

  1. Nice pics. My pup had a leg of lamb for Xmas dinner. It was bigger than him, lol. Gaz.
  2. Nice dogs lads. Optimus - how much bull and saluki is in that? Cheers Gaz
  3. All the best lads. Just been out for a wander with pup... Missus moaning for some reason :-s lol. Merry Christmas.
  4. Hi folks, Just a couple of feeding questions... I know it's common sense not to feed directly before excersise, but what about after? My pup always yaps for his meal when we get in from a walk, be it morning or night. Is it best to let him settle after excersise or is it okay to feed straight away? Also when do you drop pups from 3 meals a day to 2? He currently had biscuits in the morning with a variety of toppings from tinned fish to goats milk. Then 2 meals of raw usually 1 meaty and 1 bone. And when I do drop a meal would you drop a Raw meal and still feed biscuits or d
  5. Glad shes on the mend mucka. My heart stopped for you when you rang me!!!
  6. With reference to how much variety there will be in pups, depends what the parents were. If dam was deer/grey and sire whippet x then pups could be very varied and it would be impossible to say how they may throw. My pups parents were of similar breeding and didn't look worlds apart. Sire 25" Dam 23" and similar shape bodys, similar coats etc. The pups have all come out very consistent and some of them looked identical. I think that if I breed my dog to a bitch then I will stick to sal/whip/grey breeding with a dash of bull in there and put him over a similar looking bitch. But who
  7. I think that would make a decent all rounder. Should have brains, stamina, good nose, good feet and coat. I would like to see that with a dash of saluki in there ;-)
  8. Karl did you master putting the links up mate cuz would like to see your dog? Anyone else got a dog this way bred? Gaz
  9. How is that dog in the first pic bred mate?
  10. Nice pup. He looks quite similar to my sal/whip/grey. Gaz
  11. What is the Dam of linford? I like him alot. Gaz
  12. I try to give my pup different oils. He gets a tin of mackerel in sunflower oil once or twice a week. And then he gets a good glug of E.V Olive oil on his biscuits once or twice a week. Also he gets a bowl full of that "natures menu" frozen raw food once a week which is basically lamb, heart, brown rice, veg and salmon oil. Ive had comments about how shiny his coat is. Gaz.
  13. Happy lamper - do you mean cooked chicken bones are a no no? Or all chicken bones? My pup loves chicken wings. 5 at a time. I think they are his favourite food actually. All the best. Gaz.
  14. You can see husky! Wouldn't mind seeing that when it's older and hearing how it turns out. Gaz.
  15. I'm glad you agree. Expected to be shot down for excersicng too much. My pup doesn't pull at all, he walks good, but is recall leaves alot to be desired. Getting there slowly but he "doesn't hear me" if something has caught his attention. All the best.
  16. Lol. It sounds like most working stuff will go to ground if it can get down there. My mates sal/whip/grey bitch gets her head, neck and front legs down. I'm sure she would go to ground if she could. What is your staffy like around stock and off lead etc? Is he obedient? I can imagine they bush O.K as they just charge through everything!
  17. My pup is getting a free run across fields in morning, probs 20 mins total, just wandering and throwing a ball etc to try and master the retrieve and recall. Then about 20 mins road walk at night, sometimes 30 mins depending. He is 4 months next week. Most Sundays I go out with my mate for a mooch and pup comes along, that's anything upwards of an hour. When he was really young I carried him after half hour but now he does the whole walk and still runs around at home. Gaz
  18. My pup is getting a free run across fields in morning, probs 20 mins total, just wandering and throwing a ball etc to try and master the retrieve and recall. Then about 20 mins road walk at night, sometimes 30 mins depending. He is 4 months next week. Most Sundays I go out with my mate for a mooch and pup comes along, that's anything upwards of an hour. When he was really young I carried him after half hour but now he does the whole walk and still runs around at home. Gaz
  19. I like that staffy mate. I also like the look of the 1/4 beddy whips. Ive also considered full beddy or lakey for bushing. Would they still manage to go to ground given the chance though?
  20. Well done mate. Nice pup. I've got a pup same age and he's tried to chase a couple of things. Not slipped obviously, just similar circumstances when out for a walk. Cant wait for him to get his first. All the best.
  21. Someone once said on here the best dogs and owners are the ones you never hear about. The ones who you have never heard say "my dog does this" etc. I reckon it's probably true.
  22. Cheers for a good reply samstorm. I wanted to get a bushing dog next year but might be aswell getting a smaller lurcher with beddy blood.
  23. Beddy/Whippet first cross? Will they bush well? And work cover for bigger lurchers?
  24. Ive read a few stories on here about people getting tattooed dogs back after theft, only to find they have had ears cut off or tattoo burned off with acid as you mentioned. In one case the acid went into dogs eyes and blinded it. I'm sure these are relatively rare cases but worth bearing in mind. Gaz.
  25. Anyone else got any info on these? Anyone got a border terrier x whippet as mentioned above? Gaz
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