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Everything posted by Gaz_1989

  1. I had a similar problem mate. No permission with livestock but wanted to stockbreak just incase I get permission with livestock in future. I found a public footpath running through a field of sheep and took him through it a couple of times on a 10 foot extendable lead. Let him sniff and call him back, lots of praise when he comes back. I did this 2 or 3 times, also walk him through country lanes alot and let him see cows/sheep/horses through gates etc. This morning I went for a mooch and came across a herd of about 30 sheep. Pup had a look and took a few steps towards the
  2. Yeh he also eats the soil from the bottom of the hole so you may be onto a winner there watchman.
  3. Just gonna put this back to top. I would like to know more about the spaniel x terriers. Gaz
  4. Cool. Yeh it is usually when he hasn't been for walk. Or in afternoon when he has recovered from morning walk. Just wondered how common it is and if they grow out of it. Gaz
  5. Does anyone feed them raw? I can imagine dogs would love them and they cost pennies. Gaz.
  6. Does anyones lurcher like to dig there garden up? I went outside today to find my pup, well his back legs, sticking out of the ground. He had dug a good 3' deep hole. I thought this was more of a terrier thing? He's not trying to escape as he goes in the street off lead and doesn't run away. Just a bit curious as to why he's doing it? Gaz
  7. Thanks. Pup is 4 months. Will keep him on 3 meals for a couple more months then. I intend to drop the biscuits completely when he is around 12 months and fee exclusively raw. Just want to make sure he is getting all the vitamins and minerals he needs while he is a pup. Gaz.
  8. Get yourself some front gates and a couple of mastiff type crosses or similar on the other side. Would be well worth feeding I expect :-) My missus wants a neo x presa to keep her company when I'm at work :-0
  9. Does anyone on here work a spaniel x terrier? Ive heard them mentioned but got no info on them. Any pics? Do they work like spaniels but with more prey drive? Or like terriers but with more nose and easier to train? Also are they less likely to go to ground than most terriers? Gaz
  10. Yep Saluki/Whippet/Grey would make fine pups IMO. Should give you the extra gear your after and more. If you use the right one then it should also contribute good feet, nice coat and good nose. Gaz
  11. My pup works out at 3/16 saluki so a bit more than 1/8 but it is very visible. Lots of feathering, Saluki tail and ears and also a few traits of saluki temperament. Both parents had a bit of saluki in them. Gaz
  12. These are awesome looking animals and from what I have heard do there job well. Thanks to all who have contributed. Gaz
  13. I would like to put my sal/whip/grey over a bitch like yours but it wont be for a few years. Saluki/bull/grey seem to be doing everything asked with pace, stamina, feet, brains and balls. Good luck with your choice of stud. Gaz.
  14. Haha. Yeh your right mate. The Dam is 3/8 Kangaroo I believe. Lol.
  15. I am no expert on training lurchers. However in my little experience bonding with the dog is paramount. I started off with my pup trying to train it this and train it that, it just didn't want to know. So then I got pissed off and shouted at it and so on. After reading on here and having a re think. I changed tactics. I gave up on training and concentrated on bonding with him. Lots of play, cuddles, chilling on sofa etc. And then the training happens itself, because of the bond, he WANTS to come to me when I shout him and he WANTS to bring his toy back when I throw it. Go back
  16. Thanks for the reply bunnies. What about feeding after excersise? Do you reccomend leave it an hour or is there no need? Gaz
  17. I'm no expert but it sounds like you have started it too early. It is barking out of frustration because it can't catch. When did you start the dog off?
  18. Cheers SESKU. Sounds like wise advise. I will give the ratting a miss, for now at least. Mart - we came across a couple last weekend but didn't let him get too close. Didn't want him getting a sting yet. He is jumping well, mainly his own choice and finds his way through or over most field obstacles. What is Magic like around stock? Gaz
  19. No probs wurzelburt. Mart - That's a fair point mate. Has magik lost any teeth yet? Rocky is chewing like mad on everything he can! My sisters jack russel had all his 2nd teeth my 11 weeks! Gaz
  20. Sounds promising. I'm gonna let rocky have a go at ratting in a couple of weeks, the farm next door to my old man is swarming. Keep me updated pal...
  21. I will measure him tonight mate and let you know what he is to the shoulder. I reckon about 17". Has magik chased anything yet? Rockys prey drive is mental. Can't stop him chasing birds and squirrels, lol. Gaz
  22. Cheers fellas. 3 turns - This is my only pup mate, and my first lurcher. I do want to breed from him yeh, maybe 3 or 4 years assuming he turns out as well as I think he will. Before I get shot down, I know he's only a pup and shouldn't be thinking of breeding yet but like I said, it wont be for a few years, and then only if he has proved himself. Cheers, Gaz
  23. Cheers folks. I'm doing my best. Yesterday I was doing a bit of work on his retrieve and he fetched his fluffy toy 8 times out of 8 straight to hand so I was well chuffed. Recall still needs some work as he often chooses to ignore me but we will get there. Gaz
  24. Just thought i would post a few pics of Rocky... 1st one is when i had him at about 6 weeks for comparison, the rest are on xmas eve at almost 4 months...
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