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Everything posted by Gaz_1989

  1. So what penalty does theft of ground game come with? I thought rats and rabbits were vermin so couldn't be classified with hares and deer etc?
  2. That's what I thought FTB. Surely even if suspected of poaching, if just rabbits, first offence, It would be a slap on wrist? I would of thought they have to prove the rabbit was taken from non-permission land? Not just assume it was. Gaz
  3. I don't believe that them lads just had one rabbit!? No previous convictions or cautions? Surely you can't get pulled over with 1 f*****g bunny and get motor confiscated and taken in? In Liverpool town centre, they could of been anywhere in the country to get that rabbit. I'm sure you don't have to carry permission by law? If I'm speaking out of turn then this country is a bigger pile of wank than I thought. Gaz
  4. Good work mate. I can't wait till I'm telling a similar story : With my first :-) All the best Gaz
  5. What an open question mate. What do you want from the dog mate? Daytime mooching and lamping? Just lamping? Ferreting? Assuming you want something small? What sort of ground do you run? Big fields? Small fields? Rough terrain? Flat smooth fields? Do you want rough coat? Would you be happy with a whippets coat? Put all the answers to above questions and I bet you will get some good suggestions. All the best. Gaz.
  6. http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/182577-rocky-progress-pics/page__st__15 Recnt pics of my pup there. 5 months old. Sal/Whip/Grey. All the best. Gaz
  7. She's a smasher mate. All the best.
  8. Thanks for replies. Mart - He is quite stocky at the moment. He went long, then tall, now stocky, I guess he is due to grow in length next. Gaz
  9. Thought I would put a few recent pics of the pup up for anyone interested...
  10. I am thinking about doing a bit of ratting when I get a terrier and I have got permission on a 3 acre farm with approx 20 out buildings, ranging from small disused bull pens, disused horse stables, old scrap metal garages, garages storing furniture etc. What is the best way to go about it? I know there are rats around as I've seen them scurrying around the yard both day and night. Will a decent ratting terrier find them and route them out himself? Do you need to lay bait or do some Preparation? Any tips appreciated, Gaz
  11. Big Zook- What are you playing at? Stopping lampers = doing there job? With lads like you in the game the antis can put there feet up and watch. Gaz
  12. Bull x Whip poss Bull/Whip/Grey Could be a dash of anything in there in reality. But looks mostly bull/whip to me. Gaz
  13. Haha. What a massive load of shit. That's like saying all antis are salad eating f**k wits, oh yeh, they are. Lol. You gotta laugh at it.
  14. When my pup was in the house i fed him in kitchen on a towel. If he tried to wander off with it then I took it off him for a few mins. He soon got the hang of eating on the towel. Only problem was my 10 month old daughter would try to sit on the towel and share :-D
  15. I have heard only good things about redmills racer and always keep a bag in the house even though I feed raw now. JPTfellterrier - I used to think I couldn't feed raw due to storage space and mess in kitchen etc. All I have got is the bottom drawer of our freezer and I manage fine. Granted I am trying to get a chest freezer so I can buy in bulk and reduce costs but it is manageable without. All the best. Gaz
  16. f*****g bell ends. 3 blokes taking a dog off one. Like John said, I hope they pick on a nasty f****r next time, or even better an even match - 3 lads. But of course they won't.
  17. I love mooching. Just long walks. 1 hour, 2 hours longer sometime. When he is fully grown I'm sure we will be out for 4 hours no trouble. The pup spends half of this time running around like a maniac so does alot more mileage than me. I don't get chance to do this more than a couple of times a week though so its a game of fetch across the fields most days. Followed my a mile or so road walking.
  18. I love mooching. Just long walks. 1 hour, 2 hours longer sometime. When he is fully grown I'm sure we will be out for 4 hours no trouble. The pup spends half of this time running around like a maniac so does alot more mileage than me. I don't get chance to do this more than a couple of times a week though so its a game of fetch across the fields most days. Followed my a mile or so road walking.
  19. This would be difficult as alot if people have different ideas and views. A bloke once told me "stop worrying and just feed the fecking dog". One day tripe, one day eggs, one day lamb, one day beef etc etc. Balance and variety is the key. Don't over complicate things. I spent months worrying about what to feed and when. Now I just feed what I have got to hand. Tonight his tripe wasn't defrosted, so he had 2 slices of wholemeal bread cut into 1" squares and 3 eggs cracked over it. He wolfed it down and can have tripe tomorrow for breakfast. He will have lamb breast tomorrow night.
  20. Ive defrosted and frozen various meat at least twice, sometimes 3 times for one reason or another. My dog ate part of a pheasant carcass today which he found, must of been weeks old. Lol. There stomachs are cast iron compared to ours. I only have to look at a dodgy kebab and I'm sick for days. Gaz
  21. 5/8 Greyhound, 2/8 Saluki, 1/8 Collie. Could make good all rounders. I aren't a collie fan but that 1/8 could make them that bit easier to work with. All the best.
  22. 5/8 Greyhound, 2/8 Saluki, 1/8 Collie. Could make good all rounders. I aren't a collie fan but that 1/8 could make them that bit easier to work with. All the best.
  23. I think a first x bull/deer could not only be very handy dogs but also an excellent base for future lurchers. I think that one of these put over a grew or saluki grew could throw awesome all rounders.
  24. I would also keep. He could get 10k just from stud fees let alone from entering comps. And I personally would get more pleasure out of owning such a dog and the pride that comes with that (especially if he raised the dog from pup) than I would from £10k. As for selling it before it gets nicked, up security!!! Gaz
  25. Dean on here has got deerhound x bull first cross I think. Cracking dog.
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