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Everything posted by Gaz_1989

  1. Smart that is Adam. Dog or bitch? And how old?
  2. I've got a bitch here 4 years old similar bred to how you say above. Deer/grey/Collie/grey x deer/whip/grey. Only 24" but made a nice bitch. Took a very long time to mature but got there in the end and she's very useful to have about now.
  3. If all gos well next season. But could well be longer it will all come down to money i will invest £20 to help out, if it all takes off i want a 50% equity share of the new lamp business lol. I will invest £25 for a 40% equity share. Hahaha
  4. You would want a backy on a quad if you were carrying that much timber. Lol
  5. I've always got a bottle of the lucozade isotonic sports drink in my bag and give them a few squirts after a good run. Just glucose and electrolytes.
  6. Cheers Jok. I might stick around a while. Might shoot off again. Lol. See you soon.
  7. How are you Jok? Hope you're well mate. Not been on here for a few months. I lost my phone and all my contacts a bit back else would of dropped you a text.
  8. I reckon his biggest problem is speaking the lingo. Lol. I bet there's been a few crossed wires. "LED with prawn crackers and seaweed?" Haha. Fair play to him for keeping at it. I've got an Indian bloke at work who's been in the country 20 years and I still don't get a word he says.
  9. Yeh can't fault it mate. That's been on that lurcher for 2 years now. Busher has got the same in 2"...
  10. A few of my pics from the last couple of months...
  11. Proper old school traditional looking lurcher that. Very smart. All the best for the future.
  12. Shaping up nice Ken. All the best with her.
  13. Like a hungry litter of kits Tomo. Lol
  14. 17-18" mate somewhere around there. I think all the bitches threw similar size. The dog I saw was over 20" and 55lb plus. Probably getting on for 60lb. Real lump.
  15. Wankers. It's getting more and more common. And the reason why I now keep my dogs in a locked, alarmed building, with locked pens inside and an angry bull x cocker outside the pens. I call it the quadruple defence system. Hope he gets them back.
  16. Already seen a sneaky few chapters from this. It's mostly about minshaws and how he didn't turn up for a bet up Cumbria. That particular chapter is called "bottled it". Don't know what it's all about. Lol
  17. Is £45 a year expensive? 86p a week? This hobby costs peanuts. Even with dog insurance, wormers, bedding, diesel, top quality dog grub, clothing and wellies it costs pennies compared to most hobbies. I know fishermen that pay hundreds of pounds a year just for memberships. That's without upgrading their rods, reels, bivvys, alarms etc. Golfers, motorbike lads, martial arts lads, shooters, even lads who sit at home on computer games. It all costs more than our hobby. Not just a dig at you but why are dog lads so tight? Nobody wants to spend their cash. People moan about dogs being expensive
  18. Where are you based mate? I've got a litter born today. There will be a couple available to good working homes.
  19. Mine doesn't struggle with any bramble mate. If there's something home it's coming out and sharpish. Not sure on size. I did measure her for a lad on here a while back but I forget now. I know she's about 40lb in weight. This is her next to 24"-25" lurchers to give an idea...
  20. Cheers mate. She has come on even more since you saw her and she was doing the job then. I don't think all of the litter made as handy as her at bushing from what a few lads have said but I've only seen one other work. He was a much bigger dog, not a patch on her when it came to bushing but had other uses. That's to be expected though I suppose. They don't all make the grade. I know a local lad had one and said it worked far too close. Hardly left his side. You saw yourself how this bitch will range when there is scent about. I was out with a fella the other night mooching. He has se
  21. What would the beagle add mate to make these better at driving fox out? You thinking of something that follows a line? What sort of distance?
  22. Lol another dreamer. "I will get him out of there inside 8." I've heard that before. Easily said. I hope it comes off.
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