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Everything posted by Gaz_1989

  1. Gaz_1989


    I've looked at these myself. Am I right in thinking the boot is all plastic and no carpet so more suited to wet stinky mutts?yes mate all wipeable surface but ive got some old carpet in mine to stop dogs sliding around Sounds ideal mate
  2. Gaz_1989


    I've looked at these myself. Am I right in thinking the boot is all plastic and no carpet so more suited to wet stinky mutts?
  3. Gaz_1989


    I've had a 2009 vectra estate for 3 years. Been toying with swapping it for the last 12 months but I just don't know what to get. I've looked at other estates, vans, 4x4, pickups. I get 45mpg going about my daily business, 60mpg on a run going steady. It's big inside, huge with back seats down. I've carried 350-400kg no bother. It's the 1.9 SRi (150 bhp) and it's had DPF removal, EGR blanked and remapped so it pulls like a train. Cheap on parts. And it doesn't matter if I knock it about or park it in dodgy spots as it's worth f**k all now. I just don't know what to replace it with so
  4. I've just had a litter off this fella to a good working sandy Jill. I dunno about EU but he's dark. Most of the kits are booked...
  5. Get it done Gaz,Im sure you wouldn't put her in harms way....You might want to keep quiet about being a member of a Walkers Forum,it sounds even worse than the airgun section lol Hahaha yeh it does sound a bit gay. Lol
  6. Cheers mate. Yeh she's Wheaten cross. Changed a bit from here...
  7. I don't think it's too adventurous. 6 year olds have done snowdon and I'm on a walking forum where families have taken the kids up in push chairs and people have taken wheelchairs up. Lol. I aren't naive to the dangers, weather changing etc. But we will be kitted out and take the easiest route. She swims without arm bands, wanders the countryside, rides horses, climbs trees, shoots air rifles. They all come with dangers but she's not one of these kids that's wrapped in cotton wool. I do appreciate your concern though and will definitely pick a good clear day to stack the odds in our f
  8. Why is it stupid? Have you done snowdon yourself?
  9. No stopping the young one now she's got her own air rifle...
  10. Cheers marshman. She's still got a lot of learning to do this season coming but she should make a handy bitch.
  11. Cheers mate might have a look down there first to get her legs going.
  12. Cheers for comments lads. Can't beat it. Better than them sitting indoors on laptops or iPads as shaddy says.
  13. Just a few pics of my littleun and the lurchers on a walk this morning... My girl is 7 and up to 8 miles regular now. She wants to do snowdon with me in a few months...
  14. Gaz_1989

    Acid Reflux

    Good advice this. I've had it for a few years and only 28. My old mans got it and 2 of his 3 brothers get it bad. Best thing is diet change. I cut out alcohol, caffeine and spicy food to help with a prostate problem I've been suffering with and it did help the acid reflux a lot. However the best thing I've done is intermittent fasting. Start off with small fasts of say 12 hours. Easy enough as you're probably asleep for 6-8 of them hours. Then increase the window. It's easier than people think. I now only eat for a small window of about 3 hours and then fast for 21 hours. After a week
  15. That's not true as all my mutts are insured and don't have yearly boosters the insurance said that is fine they just won't cover for anythin the vaccine covers. Same here. Not got boosters and I've got insurance with pet plan. Asked them about it and no problem unless they get an illness due to not being vaccinated. I've made claims and never been asked to provide proof of vaccination. My vet looks after my dogs when I go on holiday for £10 per day per dog. She knows they're working dogs and is really good with them. She doesn't push annual vaccinations at all which tells me they're a
  16. Spot on that. I've never really targeted a specific type or cross myself. Got a deer/Collie/whip/grey and a Wheaten/Collie/bull/grey here both lurcher to lurcher and they suit me. I do fancy trying a saluki bull grey to saluki bull grey at some point though. I've seen a few and they've all been good dogs and turn their paw to anything types.
  17. I agree but it wouldn't be hard for a good pro heavyweight boxer in his prime to clear up the division. There's just nobody about at the moment compared to years gone by. Fury seems to be struggling mentally, Joshua is still learning his trade, Klitscho as much as I love the fella has lost to both the previous and time ain't on his side. Wilder the windmill will come unstuck shortly. I can't see Parker, Pulev or Ortiz troubling any of the previously named fellas. Not sure who else is in the top 10. But compared to days gone by it just ain't the same.
  18. Lol. My brindle bitch answers to Jet, Max and Grace and is called all 3 in equal. Don't ask. Haha
  19. Only a cheapo compared to some mate, Nikon D3200. It does for what I need. Cheers.
  20. Is his front right leg bowed sully or just the 2 photos?
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